Chapter Nine

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"You - You wa-want to give me y-your Quirk?"

Izuku felt his stomach twist, anxiety crawling up his throat. It had been two days since the Heroic Hide and Seek games, and he hadn't seen All Might until five minutes before hand, where the man had asked to see him after his Maths class.  

He had suddenly deflated into the skinny blonde he had seen frequently, coughing blood, to which Izuku had all but panicked and raced for tissues.

It took a few minutes for All Might to explain that one, he was fine, and two, his Quirk.

"Yes, it is a privilege that will push you through the Heroic Quirk. With it, you are promised to be a Hero."

And oh weren't they the wrong words. 

Izuku's defence flew up, eyebrows furrowing as he looked to the floor. "W-Why me?"

All Might looked slightly confused, and sighed, running his hands down the side of his suit. 

"Well, my boy, you have a selflessness about you that is admirable. You're body moves without you thinking - paired with a Quirk you'll be a marvellous Hero."

Wrong again. Izuku's hands twitched as he raised his head, stern eyes meeting All Might's. In that moment, the Underground Hero and his nephew were easily mistook.

"Paired with a Q-Quirk? Can I n-not be a Hero without one?"

The man looked troubled then, and his words were definite. There would be no changing his mind. In this moment, Izuku felt the years of admiration fly out the window. He had built a life around All Might when he was younger - dreamed of being exactly like All Might.

There was a reason they said don't meet your Heroes.

Izuku decided he and All Might weren't going to get along.

"No. Quirks are the thing that set Heroes apart, make them stronger. You can't fight fire with fire if you don't have fire. It's bold, what you are doing and trying to accomplish, but in the end it will only get you killed."

Izuku took a step back.

"No. I d-don't want your Quirk. I d-don't need it. I'm going to b-become a Hero. I am."

The man looked stunned, and Izuku bowed respectfully, not making eye contact. "I wo-won't tell anyone. If you ne-need me to sign something I will. Have a nice d-day." ANd he left.


"There y-you go, just like that."

Izuku smiled at the kid as they stabilised themselves, his hands ready to catch them. Susu was on the other side, Mrs Nozomi preparing the jumping beam.

The kid cheered as he finished the hand stand, wrapping his arms around Izuku.

"Well d-done!" Susu laughed as the kid ran off, pushing to standing. The class was full of children, Izuku's class afterwards, and he'd offered to help out since he was thirteen.

"Izuku, if you stand to the back and help the kids out the pit?" He nodded to Mrs Nozomi, who suddenly widened her eyes and pinched her cheeks. "That's right! How was the first week of UA?!"

He laughed, trying to swat her away, and when he was unsuccessful, signed. When Hizashi had first lost his hearing, and Izuku's self-taught classes weren't working, Mrs Nozomi would teach him. There wasn't a thing the women couldn't do.

'It was good! I got to use a few flips in training!'

His eyes moved to a kid climbing on the frame, and squirmed from Mrs Nozomi, diving forward in time for the falling child to land on his back. He turned, sitting the kid on the floor and checking over him. "You okay? Did you hurt your head or anything?"

With wide, startled, eyes the kid shook his head, and Mrs Nozomi crouched by. "That was very dangerous Cheo, there's a reason me and Susu are besides it, Okay? You could have gotten seriously hurt. I'll have to speak to your brother, and for today you can't go on the beam. Okay?"

With tears specking his eyes, he nodded and climbed off Izuku, bowing. "I'm so-sorry." He slumped away, and Mrs Nozomi helped Izuku up. "Poor kid. He reminds me of you." Raising an eyebrow, he didn't need to ask before she explained.

"He lives with his brother. Lost his dad a few months ago and his Mums been out the picture for years. His brother said he was struggling to cope, so wanted to give him a distraction."

Izuku watched him rub at his face and take a large gulp of drink. "I'll work with him, if that's okay?" She nodded, and he moved to the kid, crouching down. "Cheo right?"

He nodded, looking at his feet. "Y-Yeah, I'm sorry." He shook his head, falling to sit and cross his legs. "It's o-okay. When I was your age I used to jump off everything and get carpet burn. I still do, it makes my Unkie annoyed."

The boy sniffled. "Unkie? What ab-about your Mama and Papa?" Izuku smiled dwindled into understanding. He had been expecting it - kids were often unable to hold their tongue.

"My Papa has b-been gone a long time. My Mama tu-turned off when I was just a little younger than y-you." His eyes widened, and Cheo burst forward, grabbing Izuku's hand. "My Papa tur-turned off too. My teacher tells me off for saying that."

Izuku ruffled his hair, poking his nose. "My Teacher used to tell me off t-too. We're q-quite alike, aren't w-we?" 

Cheo nodded his head, letting go and rocking on his heels. "I thought I was alone." Izuku shook his head, standing with popping knees. "No ones ever alone - and they will be when I'm a Hero. Now, how about we practice some hand stands?"


Hey guys! Sorry if the Chapters are a little boring at the minute! I'm struggling to think of things to write :(

Please check out my other books! Some are flopping :( (You don't have to though!)

Until next chapter my Little Disappointments!

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