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Akira was pretty confident she didn't fail too badly. If only Hak-So had shut up like she'd asked him. Seven times. 

Even his amusingness couldn't save- amusingness? Is that even a word?  She thought numbly, her brain too tired to form anything useful. Vana looked as exhausted as her, even with Hak-So's hints during the quiz. Kay was silent as usual, and Cenna wanted to go to sleep, like she'd announced.

The oh-so-generous teacher decided to give them the rest of the class off, so there was some chatter. About half the people were scrolling on their pads apsent-mindly. One guy was watching HoloNet for some unknown reason. Akira liked people-watching, so that's what she did.

She could usually make up their personalities, where they came from, their real names... Not actually, but just fun alternatives. Besides, the girl that sat in the front really looked like an Alora.

"Hey, you're Skylu, right?" Her eyes snapped towards the source of the question, a girl standing in front of her with a small smile. Sharp features, glossy black and red hair, perfect teeth. Aziela.

"That's right," she answered. "Can I help you?" Aziela took that as an invitation to sit on Cenna's desk, who looked at Akira with wide eyes and an annoyed frown. Translation: Who does she think she is, sitting on my desk

"It's not anything important, really," she said, still smiling. She looked shy, which was not really something Akira associated with her. "I just wanted to say I really like your outfit today."

Ah. Bribery.

Well, Skylu had a habit of cutting straight to the point, so... "What is it that you want?" She asked, smiling in the same way Aziela was. The girl blinked for a second, then grinned, shaking her head.

"No small talk with you, is there? Alright then." She folded her arms, suddenly serious. This whole attitude change was giving Akira a migrane. Whatever. The sooner she'd talk, the sooner she'd leave. "Tyche and I-" Cenna wrinkled her nose at the name, and Vana and Har-So's conversation died out as they listened in. "Have noticed that you've gotten out of your shell after all these years." Aziela leaned in, face so close to Skylu's that she could smell the light flowery fragrance coming from her mouth.

This shit was actually so unfair.

Why did her breath have to be perfect? Akira kept her face blank, preparing herself for the certain threats to come. "And we thought you should know..." With every word, her eyes grew darker and unsettling. "That you're not going to win this fight. The cute little charade you have going on here is going to collapse. And I'll be there to claim my victory," she hissed.

"I'll be waiting with impatience," Skylu answered, a smirk playing on her face. Aziela leaned back and basically floated off the desk. A sweet smile later, she went back to her seat, taking the smell of spring with her. 

Vana, Cenna, and Har-So instantly moved in. "What in the pits of hell did she want?" Vana asked, looking after Aziela with a scowl. They all leaned in, making the conversation insanely obvious. Akira didn't point that out, no matter how much she wanted to. 

"She wanted to tell me that I'm 'not going to win this fight,' and that she'll 'claim her victory.' So, basically threatening," she said, seemingly unconcerned.

"Not very lady-like," was Har-So's only comment.

"How are you not panicking?" Cenna asked, shaking her head. "I'b be freaking out." Akira shrugged.

"I don't worry about empty threats," she said simply. 

"I agree, Lady Skylu. The popsies don't know what they desire yet, so it is unnecessary to be disquieted." He scoffed, all high-and-mighty.

"Well, the popsies are still dangerous, whether they look it or not. They were the best in the last hunting mission," Vana pointed out, not missing the occasion to make fun of Har-So too.

"Are you guys participating in the next KOs?" Skylu asked, looking for a way to change the subject. She needed to think about this on her own. 

"Probably," Vana sighed. She didn't look too enthousiastic. 

"I'll take the plunge if you all will," Har-So shrugged. He was flipping a sub-loop spanner in his hand, almost dropping it like six times.

Vana turned her head, making locks of her hair slide down her shoulder. "What about you, Kay?" She asked. Once more, Akira met his gaze, this time almost by accident. 

The eyes are truly the most important trait. No matter how blank the rest of the face is, they will always betray even the smallest detail. 

Kay's eyes were intense and... terrifying. Almost completely devoid of color, they were bottomless soles leading into the abyss of death...

"Yes. I'll do it," he said, not looking away. She blinked, and the green was there again. Had she imagined it... No, definitely not. White, not golden. So not Sith. Stil... She shook her head. Not now. She would meditate upon it later.

"Since you asked, you're leading," Cenna leaned back on her chair, stretching. Akira's heart skipped a beat. Lead. You're leading.

It was almost too perfect to be true.

A/N: the eye contact is going somewhere i swear

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