Eighty-Two | When In Doubt, Seek A Lighthouse

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Chris' POV:

"I'm gonna be honest, I don't think your friend likes me that much," Jenny's nervous giggle brings me back to the present. I stop to look back at her, and I find her fiddling with her grey cardigan, causing the flashlight to shake a bit. "Is..." she licks her lips before awkwardly looking back at me. "You two got something... going on?"

"Um..." I drag out, just to buy myself some time from spilling the beans. Our relationship was supposed to be private, but I know that look she gave Jenny and me one she never once had plastered over her features all that often; a look of insecurity and betrayal. (y/n)'s that type of person to keep to herself in the presence of a newer crowd, more into corner edges of the house, quiet and sipping coffee, than in the middle of the dance floor with a red cup with half its contents spilled over. "It's complicated."

"Complicated?" she repeats, running to keep up with my pace. I hum, continuing to walk the path back to our cars. We've already asked the nearby stores, some neighboring houses, and even a few bars if they've seen McKenna.

I wanted to call (y/n) and Octavia if they've gotten any luck with the search, but when I pat myself for my phone, it wasn't with me. I was only praying I accidentally left it in the car and not someplace else. Jenny didn't have hers either, claiming that she left it charging in her trailer. We get to the parked cars, and I click its remote, keeping an eye out for the car's signature flash.

"How's complicated doing for you?" she asked. I bite my tongue before spinning around.

"Jenny, what the heck are you trying to do?"

"I'm just asking."

"You're interested?" I asked, my tone flat and possibly arrogant, judging, by the way, the brunette rolled her eyes at me.

"It's not obvious? After that scene? And the off-screen chemistry?" she spat, her tone almost as leveled to mine. I sighed and continued to look for the car.

"Please, I can't do this right now."

"I just want to know whether I need to back off or not." she tried again, causing me to stop dead in my tracks finally. Just emotionally exhausted, I let myself fall forward on a random car's trunk, letting my hands hold me up. I take a breath for ridding myself of my sweater, the ocean breeze nipping at my bare arms. Too much was happening; it was a relief we were outside. I was able to take a loud breath before hearing her shuffle toward me, her voice soft and loud enough for me to hear between my ragged breaths. "If you're not available, then I won't pry anymore. I just... I just need to know."

Jenny's confession is short, sweet, straight to the point, but it takes me more time to answer, with everything considered. A stronger breeze brushes past us, causing a slither of cold to run up my spine. My mind is clearer and more relaxed before I answer back. "It's not public."


"B-but it's real... we're making it real." I swallow before willing myself to face her and look her straight in the eye. "That's all I can tell you. We've all agreed to make it as private as we can let it go on. I can't just say things out loud because it's not just my secret. It's hers. You know how it is."

Jenny forces a smile, nodding her head, the action so minimal that I would've missed it with how dim the moonlight had become as grayer clouds pass by it.

"Yeah..." she nodded more. "Chris, I'm not a bad person. I don't just act without looking ahead of me. I'm interested; that much is true, but I'm not that interested." she explained, brown eyes glossy, her frame shaking a bit from the midnight cold. "You don't know how many women fear that this exact situation would happen to them. Women in this industry could only pray ten times that we have each other's back without the camera than be against them. It's hard to have a relationship, but never too difficult if you really love someone. It's even harder to trust someone you already trust once a feeling of doubt tells you that you can't. Please don't let that happen."

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