Story 05: Heather

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In a small town, there was a 16-year-old girl. Heather was her name. Because of all the bad people around her, she was constantly crying and wrecking herself. Heather had a classmate who she had feelings for. Unfortunately, she lived in a hate-filled world that would not allow it. She was always on her bed, listening to Girl in Red and gazing out the window at the autumn skies.

Her mother would constantly barge into her room and demand things. Was she useless? Because she didn't have the mental capacity to live every day? "Won't you stand up and help me already?" "Stop lying around and get your ass up!" her mom would yell. Heather wouldn't listen, because she already knew what kind of disappointment she was. She just wanted to be alone in her own world, where it's an endless autumn and she's the only one.

Every time she saw that girl from school, she felt sad. She was always wanting to tell her how much she liked her. She wasn't worried about that girl rejecting her. She was simply addicted to the sadness she felt every day.

She was never out of her house. She liked autumn, but she never went outside. She remained inside, acting as a spectator. That's what she's always wanted to be. She hated attention. She felt most uncomfortable when her mother would start an argument in a public place, such as the supermarket, because she felt judged. She despised it.

Her only friends lived far away, so the only way they could communicate was online. They were planning to meet each other one day, but Heather was anxious about what others would think of her. She wished she could be herself for a change. It was calming how she felt her friends spoke to her less and less with each passing day.

She had no idea what was going on with her. Monday through Friday – hell, Saturday and Sunday – she just sat in her room, staring up and doing nothing. She decided to break the cycle one day and end her life. She felt like she got what she deserved despite the chaos around her. And to this day Heather lies in her grave away from life. Quite peaceful, isn't it?

=Published 23rd May, 2022 (S)

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