{Ask 67 Chapter}

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Red (B): HA! Me? In love with a Mortal?? Funny, not because all mortals do is feed of our powers and destroy what,we create for their own happiness!

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Red (B): HA! Me? In love with a Mortal?? Funny, not because all mortals do is feed of our powers and destroy what,we create for their own happiness!

Kristen: I see it differently, people taking about what we made and making something new out of it.

Red (B): Fuck off.


Dream: Fluffy and happy.


Sam: . . . Do I even wanna know.

Ponk: No.


Kristen: I'm not sure, Blair never tells me about her personal life so I have no idea.


Me: It's a good theory, reminds me of Romeo and Juliet, expect no one died and this isn't a pain in the behind to read.

Me: It's a good theory, reminds me of Romeo and Juliet, expect no one died and this isn't a pain in the behind to read

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Red (B): YOU HAVE A SON?!?!?

Kristen: -_- Yeah. . .

Philza: I'm gonna die if she gets out of the restraints.


Dream: Yes! Gimmie cat and movies later! :3


Red (B): He can't hear you at the moment.


George: Why did you try to hurt Karl.

DreamXD: . . . I'll tell you.

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