{Ask 26 Chapter}

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Veronica: . . . Your right. Eret should know.


Michael: *Oink* *Oink* *Oink* *Thank you, Mister Eret!*

Eret: *smiles* No problem.

Veronica: . . . Excuse me, Eret?

Eret: Hm? *turns to Veronica* Oh, Veronica, are you alright?

Veronica: Can I speak in private with you about something?

Eret: Of course, is something wrong?

Veronica: Not really, but there is something you should know before I go back to the afterlife.

Eret: *nods and goes with Veronica*


Quackity: WHAT THE---

Me: This reminds me of an old cartoon episode!

Fundy: Huh?

Me: In an old Lonney Toon cartoon, the hunter wants to hunt for Bugs Bunny as usual, but Bugs tries to trick him into thinking it was Duck season and Daffy Duck tires to convince the hunter it was Rabbit Season.

Fundy: . . .

Sam: . . .

Tommy: How old are you?

Me: I'm a teen, I just watched a lot of old cartoons on a old TV.

Me: I'm a teen, I just watched a lot of old cartoons on a old TV

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Ponk: I swear to God, it will be a surprise. So, if you don't shut up, I'll put you in a coma.

 So, if you don't shut up, I'll put you in a coma

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Phil: Uh. . . Veronica and Eret are currently talking at the moment, I'd come back to them once they're done. . .

Ponk: -_- *holds up a poison and a syringe*

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Ponk: -_- *holds up a poison and a syringe*

Sam: Please don't kill anyone. ;-;


Puffy: I will. . . Once her and Eret finish talking. . .


Me: Yee. It's still school.

 It's still school

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Quackity: 0_0

Quackity: What wedding?

Hannah: They bugging Sam and Ponk to get married.

Punz: Poor them.


Veronica: *holding Eret close*. . .

Eret: *tears streaming down his face*. . . I'm sorry. . . I'm sorry. . .

Veronica: You have nothing to apologise for, my son. . . It is not your fault. . .

Eret: I-I just. . . Got to meet you. . . And now, you-you have to leave. . .

Veronica: I'm sorry, baby. . . But, I promise I'll always be with you. . . And I'm so proud of you. . .

Eret: I. . . I-I don't even remember you. . .! How can you be so. . . So calm with me!. . .

Veronica: Because I know it's not your fault. . . I know you are trying to remember me. . .

Eret: *rests his head on her shoulder*. . .

Veronica: . . . Take deep breaths. . . In and out. . .

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