Part 20

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I brushed my hair and Nathan woke up, "I had this dream, that at 4 am my boyfriend, who has his own apartment by the way, knocked on my window and asked if he could crush in my room." Nathan chuckled, "Wait a second. It did happen."
"I had to get out of there."
"Did I mentioned this is recurring dream? What, like the forth time in two weeks? Not that I'm complaining but isn't the whole purpose of having your own place is so you can sleep there?"
"Tim keeps bringing over all these hot chicks." I gave him a look, "Which is a problem because none of them is you."
"Ah hah."
"My place is like part central and it's not even my party."
"Maybe it should be. Oh, we should thrown our own party, like take back the party party."
"Alright, let's do it. How about this Saturday?"
"Sounds good. I'm free."
"Done. You got to plan it though and make sure it's little key. Just a few friends, you know?"
"Okay. So much fun." I clapped my hands together, "Now climbed out the window before my parents wake up and hear you."
"Hear what? This?" He pulled me into bed with him and he tickled me.
"Don't tickled me." I said between the laugh.

I walked to Peyton, "Hey p. Me and Nathan doing this thing at his place in Saturday."
"Elena Miller, party girl!"
"It's not gonna be that big deal, but he said I can invite whoever I want. Wanna come?"
"Oh yeah."
"Alright see you there." I walked away.

After practice I walked in with Brook to get our stuff only to see Peyton stretching Luke's arm.
"You know, I'd told you to get a room, but you already done that." Brook said taking her stuff and then walking away.
Peyton ran after her and I stayed with Lucas. "How's your hand?"
"Oh, I thought it's better now that Peyton touched it." I laughed at him, "I'm joking. Just keep shooting. It'll come."
"Funny. That's what Nathan said."
"You talked to Nathan?"
"See you later, Luke."

I walked into Nathan's apartment. "Hey! I got everything but the drinks."
"Hey." Nathan said.
"Make it BYOB. Or BYOT. Got it? T for Tim." Tim said stupidly as always.
"You knew if you need some cash I have some from selling the car."
"No, this party is on me. Listen, I ran into extra people and I didn't really wanted to say no. But it's gonna be low key I promise."
"Okay." He said and I turned around putting some stuff in the cabinet, stressing my body up. When I turned around Nathan had a smirk on his face. "What?"
"You're lucky Tim is here cause I have a thing to girls names Elena Miller."
"Really? Well, you're lucky that Tim's here too." I looked at him smiling, "Tim. Go home!" We said together.
"What?" He said.
"I have some more stuff in the car so go play. I'll kiss you later."
"Alright." He said and I walked out yo get the stuff.

"Hey friend." Brook said behind me after I finished talking to some girls.
"Hey B."
"When's the party?"
"It's Saturday night, but..."
"Don't worry. I'm not gonna tell the paparazzi."
"I'm not worried, we're just trying to keep it small, so..."
"Peyton said not to invite me."
"No! Brook..."
"You know what? Have your little party and your naked twister and..."
"Brook, it's really gonna be just a couple of friends."
"But I'm not one of them." She walked away hurt.

"The job is okay." Nathan said through the phone.
"So when are you coming?"
"Half an hour."
"Okay see you there." I hung up and started getting ready.
Half an hour later someone rang the bell and Tim was there with beer barrel. "Nathan's not back yet so if you want to come back later."
"Someone has to get it started." He said and walked in.
Me and Tim sat on the couch while mouth put some music.
"No one's coming."
"Most people don't want to be first at a party." Tim said.
"Nathan's late too." Then the bell rang, "Finally."
Tim opened the door and people I sure as hell didn't invite walked in. "Tim? Do you know any of them?"
"No. But it's a party, Elena. You wanted people to show up right?"
"Umm, yeah, sure. Cool." I acted cool about it.
I walked around the people looking for some people I know and some girl stopped me. "Nathan Scott and your own apartment? You have like the best life ever."
I laughed, "thanks. I mean, it's not my apartment..." they walked off. Then Lucas and Peyton walked in the door. "Hey!" I hugged them.
"Elena, who's all these people?"
"Who cares? It's a party." Then Brook walked in the door.
"Sorry I'm late. I hope nobody mind I brought a friend." The most ugliest girl I saw in my life leaned on the door.
I smiled but Lucas and Peyton looked pissed.
Brook and this girl Nicky were totally drunk and behaved really bad. "Maybe if we just invite her..."
"It's not your fault, E."
"Who's this Nicky person anyway?"
"It's Jake's baby mom." Peyton said, "She's a train wreck."
I heard something snap, "That doesn't sound good." I said and walked to see where it came from.
People started lifting mouth in the air. "Please be carful. Mouth?"
"Little help please." He said.
"I cannot stop the madness." I fell in Luke's arms.
Peyton handed me a drink, "Drink it. Looks like you can use it." I took it and drank it at once.
"I see you're playing games." Brook said pushing Tim aside. "Watch out they could might cheat." She said to Nicky.
"Oh you're still here." Nicky laughed at Peyton, "I thought you'd be running out to tack my kid."
"Some's got to." Peyton replied.
"Let's hope it's not some slutty boyfriend thief."
Brook smiled, "I'd drink to that."
"Why don't you do what you're good at and disappear?" Peyton said to Nicky.
"You got a problem?" She said mad.
"Wow, Nicky, she's not worth it." Brook hold her.
"Get off me." She said and walked in front of Peyton. "I asked you if you have a problem."
"Yeah I do. It's called you, bitch."
Nicky pushed Peyton on the fridge and slapped her.
Peyton pushed her back on the counter and they fall on the floor.
I tried to take them off of each other and so as Brook. It didn't work so Lucas pushed Peyton off and Tim pushed Nicky. It didn't work either, Nicky throw a chair but it ended broke the window. They started fighting again until me Lucas and Brook took Peyton away.
Mouth stopped the music. Brook fought Nicky away from Peyton. "You need to go!" Luke yelled.
"Isn't it sweet. Lucas Scott saving his woman. But wait, doesn't it supposed to include someone else? Yeah, I can keep a secret too." Nicky said and walked away.
"What did she mean by that?" Peyton asked.
"She umm.... The girl I met at the bar."
I sighed, "Lucas Scott's betrayal train. All aboard."
Peyton pushed Lucas and walked away.
"Elena? What's going on?" Nathan walked in.
"Nathan? Oh I'm so sorry." I hugged him.
"Who's apartment is this?" An officer walked in, "It's not gonna be hard to find out so why won't you tell me?"
"Alright it's mine." Nathan said.
"Everyone else, get out of here before we start checking IDs." Everyone left. The man started writing down something.
"Wait, what are you doing?"
"Summons to court for you."
"Me?! I didn't do anything."
"Under age drinking, distraction to peace."
"Sir, he had nothing to do with it. He just got here." Lucas defeated him.
"It's his apartment. His responsibility."
"Great. I'm impressed, learned that in detective school?"
"Wanna smart off? Fine. You could do that from a cell."
"Hey come on!" Luke yelled.
"Wanna join him?" Luke looked away, "I didn't think so. Let's go."
"Nate we'll get you out!" I yelled after him.

Me and Lucas went to the police station to get Nathan. We found Dab and Nathan on the stairs. "Let him go!" Lucas said.
"And the disappointment keeps on coming. Stay out of it!" Dan said.
"Elena, go get an officer." Luke said to me.
"Let me get this straight. Your mom runs off and having a fling, I get the cops drop the charges and I'm the bad guy?"
"Dad..." Nathan started.
"You might want to think before you started to make a case about how great of a father you are."
"What do you know about me being a father?"
"Dan walk the hell away." I said.
"The girl has the guts." He looked at me and walked away.
"Come on. It's late. We'll take you home." Luke said.
"I'm so sorry, Nate." I said and he hugged me from the side.

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