Part 6

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"No, girls! Come on!" Brook yelled on us.
"Brook we get it." I said.
"More practice."

After practice Nathan cutch up with me. "Why are you a cheerleader again?" He asked.
"So you get distracted and lose. That's my true meaning of happiness."
Nathan chuckled, "Right. I have a meeting with Haley later."
"How is it?"
"You were right, she's good."
"I'm always right, Nate."
Peyton walked besides us.
"See you around then." Nathan said before walking away with his girlfriend.

I sat with Lucas on the bench when Brook and Peyton walked to us.
"Hey Broody. Elena."
"Hey cheery." Lucas replied, "Peyton."
Peyton nodded towards the blond boy and then smiled at me.
"So see you at practice?" Brook asked me and Peyton.
"As always." Peyton replied.
"Yeah you too." Brook said and walked away.
Peyton sat down in front of us.
"So what's the deal? Are we gonna go to the Scott's money burn or what?"
"Yeah right." I scoff.
"Like I'm gonna spend with Nathan and Dan on my Friday off. I don't think so, I rather stay at home with 'Great gatspy.'" He said lifting his book.
"What about you Elena?" Peyton asked me.
"I don't know." I said.
"You're seriously thinking about going?" Lucas asked me.
"I don't know Luke." I said and walked away leaving the two alone.
I sat in front of Nathan.
"Why do we even have to study History anyways?"
"So we don't have to reapt it." I said and Nathan laughed.
"Look, don't lose hope okay? Tomorrow is off so you have a whole weekend to study."
"Minus my dad's annual kisses ass jembury."
I looked at him.
"Haley made you a study guide I see." I said pointing at the box.
"Yeah, everything I need is inside that box."
"Yeah she always do that." I said.
"Why don't you just text me the answers?"
"Oh... no."
The bell rang.
"Just give me a call if you need anything, okay?" Nate nodded, "and umm... I saw you gave Lucas a break. Thanks."
"Deal's a deal, right?"
"Right." I said and walked away.

In the lesson I sat next to Nathan.
"How are you, Nate?" Brook asked him.
"Bored." He replied.
"lonely, right? Just a little bit." Nathan looked at her in a death stare.
"Whatever drug you're on, Brook, just save it for the party." Nate said and I scoff.
"Ah the party. Guess who's coming with me. Elena."
"What no." I turned around to her.
"Please, Peyton won't come with me." Brook begged.
"She will come eventually."
"Not this time. Pleaseeee." Brook begged again.
"Ugh, whatever... Fine." I said.
"Yay. You and Peyton should get back together."
"She's out my radar. And apparently I'm off hers too." Nathan said and looked at me.
"That was the new Peyton. Now she's totally back on track. And I think the new old Peyton would be open to an apology."
"She told you that?" I asked.
"She tells me everything."
"What are you up to Brook?" Nathan asked.
"What? I just want to see two people that are perfect for each other back together. Is that a crime?"
Nathan looked at me but I looked away.

I walked and Peyton almost ran me over.
"Hey! walking here." I said.
"God, I'm sorry." Peyton said.
I laughed, "Like you warn't aiming."
"You're not on that list. You need a ride somewhere?"
I looked around, "umm..."
"Come on, get in." She pointed at the sit next to her.
I walked to sit next to her. "Guess it's better to be in your car than under it." I sat down.
"So I'm not really good at this." Peyton said awkwardly.
"Yeah, obviously... You should put in gear and press the gas."
"No I mean. Not being not defensive thing."
"Last week in Brook's car you said, 'he cares about you' and I tried really hard to be cool and I didn't asked weather you meant Nathan or Lucas."
"And now you're asking."
"In a pathetic kind of way yeah..."
"I'm not gonna be much help, I guess I meant both of them. Lucky you." I said sarcastically and a but angry.
"It's not like you need my permission or anything but if you like nathan it's totally cool. Just be..."
"Really carful." I cut her words, "Yes I know. You told me." I said and we drove off.

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