Part 13

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I walked in the hallway to go see Nathan and I saw Lucas and Peyton kissing. I ran to the other side and went around.

I walked into Lucas's room. "What's up loser?"
"Hey you. I'm finishing email to my mom. She comes back tomorrow."
"Oh, cool. Tell her I say hi." I sat on his bed. "Do you have anything to tell me?"
"I kinda do." He said and then Brook badged in.
"Hey Elena."
"Brook, what's up?"
"Never mind. Talk to you later?" Luke said.
"Sure. You kids have fun." I said and walked to door. "Can I borrow your ball?" I asked and he throw it to me. "Thanks." I left.

I went to the river court to practice my free shot or whatever. I bounced it and tried to throw it to the basket which was too far and landed in Nathan's hands.
"Was that your jump shot?" He joked. "If that was jump shot, I can't date you anymore."
"You're funny."
"My mom said you'd be here. Something about a grade?"
"Yeah. I'm glad you came though. You can take my mind off it." I jumped into his arms and kissed him.
"Elena come on. You need to do it."
"Ao you can't be here."
"Because this is embarrassing. I want you to think that I'm not embarrassing."
"You don't embarrass me, E."
I jumped out of his arms, "Oh yeah? Okay." I took the ball and throw it so badly.
It didn't reach the basket. Only far to Nathan.
He sigh, "Okay. I take it back."
"I can't do it."
"Yes you can. You just..." he stood besides me. "Square your shoulders to the basket. You lift the ball just past your nose. Bend your knees a little." He touched my back and handed me the ball. "Relax your hips." He touched my hips. Nearly my ass. "And just shoot." He whispered to my ear.
"I can't with your arms on my ass."
"They not on your ass. Elena, just shoot."
I throw the ball and it almost went in the ring.
"Okay, that wasn't perfect. But also not embarrassing. It was actually kinda sexy." He smirked to me.

I was doing homework at the cafe when Peyton walked to me. "Hey."
"I was hoping you'd be here."
"What's up?" I asked.
"I need some advice and I didn't had anyone to talk to."
"Brook's not around?" I joked.
"So what's on your mind?"
"When you first relized you like Nathan, and you knew Lucas would freak out? How did you deal with that?"
"I asked myself all the time, if this thing with Nathan really worth losing my best friend. But if Lucas is really my best friend he should be happy for me."
"I saw you. You and Lucas. What are you doing?"
"None of my business." I said and kept doing my homework when Peyton left.

I throw to the basket at Nathan's back yard. "I still suck."
"Come on, it's alright. Just keep your elbows in." I throw again.
"What's this?" Dan asking from behind me.
"Hey dad. I'm just helping Elena."
"Nathan, I thought we'll do grill some steaks at the beach house, just the two of us."
"Sounds great dad. But Elena and I have plans tonight."
"Okay. I heard you're back on the team. That's a good move."
"Yeah." Dan walked away.
"You're on the team again?" I asked proud.
"Yeah, I was going to tell you."
"I'm proud of you Nathan Scott. But, You should go with your dad if you want to."
"I don't wanna go with my dad. I wanna be with you. Now knock out the shot like I know you can." I throw the ball but it didn't go in.
"It's okay. But it's called for drastic measures though." He hugged my side, "You're gonna be fine. Try a grannie style."

I caught Nathan on the hallway. "Hey I owe you. Big time."
"Good because I need a favor." We walked to the library and searched online.
"Did you knew Whity's real name is Bryan?" I asked.
He laughed. "This is great. This site got a whole record before tree hill."
"Perfect." I walked over to me.
"I'm gonna get a drink. Want something?"
"No I'm good."
I went to get a drink and when I came back I saw Peyton and Lucas kissing again.

I walked into Luke's room.
"Hey we're going to pick up my mom."
"What is going on between you and Peyton?" I asked angry.
"So you wasn't together lately?"
"No. Why did you talked to Peyton?"
"Why? You're trying to figure out what lie to tell me next?" I asked angry.
"I wanted to tell you, Elena."
"Tell me what?!"
"That we..."
"Yeah I know. I saw you kissing! Twice! Which is a really jaclass move consider you have a girlfriend names Brook."
"Don't lecture me Elena. I know that!"
"So stop it!"
"I can't! It's complicated."
"It's not complicated! It's really simple. What you're doing is wrong. And if you can't see it, I don't like the person you became!"
"Oh, the person I became?! What about the person you became?!"
"What is that mean?!"
"You know what it means! Nathan tell you some nice words to avenges me and you fall for it!"
"Omg! If I hear it again... You know I've done it for you!"
"For me?!"
"Is that what you're telling yourself when you kiss him? That it's for me? You're the one who lies, okay?! If you look for betrayal look at yourself!"
"You know what, Luke?! Next time you see me don't talk to me!" I turned around to leave.
"Fine!" I walked out of the door.

Me and Nathan lay in bed my head was on his chest.
"What's wrong?"
"I had a disagreement with Lucas."
"About me?"
"No. Just the way he's been acting. It's really disappointed me." He chuckled. "What?"
"Nothing. It's kind of ironic."
"What's ironic?"
"Lucas being a jerk."
"How is ironic?" I lifted my head and looked at him.
"Because that used to be my role. I mean this all thing started because I wanted to mess with Lucas. That's just kinda wired that's all."

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