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Tw suicide mentions

Lev's POV Someone with L? I walk to the hospital

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Lev's POV
Someone with L? I walk to the hospital. "Hi (Y/N)!" She smiles and opens her arms. I hug her while lifting her up. "Miss me?" She nods while ruffling my hair. "I'll stay until your dad comes, okay?" She nods. "What did you do while I was gone?" She lifts up a purple crayon.

"Cool, what did you draw?" She shows me a paper full of stick people. She points to the crayon and lifts one finger up. "They only gave you one crayon?" She nods pouting. "That's so mean!" She nods.

"And how's your throat?" She makes a bunch of movements with her hands and then makes as if there was an explosion. "Ouch, that bad?" She nods.

"H-how was practice?" "Don't try to speak yet. It was good, they made me receive though." She smiles and gives me thumbs up. She looks at me. "What is it?" She points her finger at her neck and slides it to the side. "It's not that noticeable, just a bit red."

I make my way to visit (Y/N). "Aghh that giant! Why can't I get him out of my mind?!" "What giant?" She turns to look at me blushing. "No one." "Aww come on tell me!" "N-no!" "Please?" "No!" "Come on!" "No!"

I huff. "Why won't you tell me?" "I don't want too." "Tell me please." She sighs. "It's you." I feel heat rise up my cheeks. "Oh." I watch as a blush rises up her cheeks too. "I'm gonna go to sleep. You should go too, you have school tomorrow."

I place my lips on hers. We kiss for some seconds and then pull away. "I don't really want to make anything official until I find out who my soulmate is, but when I do, I'd like to ask you." She nods while blushing brightly. "I don't mean it like you are a second choice or anything!" "I guessed."

"I'll go now." She pulls my head down and kisses me. I kiss her back, and we pull away after some seconds. "G-good night." "Y-yeah, see you tomorrow?" "Of course." I hug her and ruffle her hair.

Next Friday
(Y/N)'s POV
I answer the question sheet. "Only seven more to go. Seven homework's that is."

Des yeux qui font baisser les miens
Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche
Voilà le portrait sans retouches
De l'homme auquel j'appartiens
Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Il me parle tout bas
Je vois la vie en rose
Il me dit des mots d'amour
Des mots de tous les jours
Et ça me fait quelque chose
Il est entré dans mon cœur
Une part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause
C'est lui pour moi, moi pour lui dans la vie
Il me l'a dit, l'a juré pour la vie
Et dès que je l'aperçois
Alors je sens en moi
Mon cœur qui bat
Des nuits d'amour à plus finir
Un grand bonheur qui prend sa place
Des ennuis, des chagrins s'effacent
Heureux, heureux à en mourir
Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Il me parle tout bas
Je vois la vie en rose

"That song." I call Alisa. "Hi, what's up?" "Hi, do you know what is Lev doing?" "I think he's watching a movie." "Oh." "Yeah, he's watching Elsa and Fred. He's crying. It's just the fountain scene Lev!" "But the cat, and he dies, and their dance!" I laugh.

"Why do you ask?" "A song." "Oh, which?" "La vie en rose." "So you both are soulmates! That's great! Wait, are you still not telling him?" "No."

"But why?!" "He wants to find out by himself." "But he's stupid!" I laugh. "I should get back to my homework, I need to catch up." "Right, bye."

I finish and hear a knock on the door. I open it. "Hi mom." I smile. "What did your dad mean you're suicidal?!" "N-" "I don't want a suicidal kid in my house, if you wanna die tell me and I'll drive you to one of those forests where people kill themselves!" "I don't."

"Why do you want to kill yourself?!" "I don't." "Why would you cut your arms?!" "I don't know!" "Tell me or I'll slap you!" "Slap me!" Pulls me by the hair and slaps me. "Tell me!" "No!" "I said tell me!" I feel tears slide down my cheeks. 

"I ruined the fun!" "What?! "I ruined the fun! As I always do! Isn't that right?! You always said that, didn't you?!" "I never said that!" I pull her hand away from my hair. "You did! Ever since I was eleven! You ruined the fun! You always ruin the fun! Why do you always have to ruin our fun?! How I'm annoying! How you don't want to deal with me! You always said that!"

"I never said that! And you being a ridiculous attention seeker and wanting to kill yourself isn't my fault either!" "I don't even want to kill myself anymore!" "Is it because of that boy?! Give me your phone, I don't want you talking to that boy again!"

I feel my eyes widen. I throw the phone to the floor. "I didn't even want the fucking phone, and he's the only thing keeping me from trying again! I don't care if you're my mom I won't stop talking to him! If it weren't for him I'd have died on the first try!" "Only try." I wipe my tears away to see Lev behind my mom.

"Lev!" I hug him tightly. "Thought I'd come to visit! I think I came in the wrong time though!" I shake my head. "That's okay!" I smile as he hugs me back. "Did you finish the homeworks?" "Yes!" "Do you want to come to the park with me?" "Sure!" "She's grounded!"

I frown and turn to look at her still smiling. "I do not care." I turn around walking by Lev's side. "How was practice?!" "Good!" "That's great!" We sit on a bench.

"The stars look pretty!" "Yeah!" "Wanna go to the arcade?!" "Sure!"

We get back. "You suck at the claw game!" "Shut up!" "You can keep it!" I hand him the stuffed animal lion. "Really?!" He smiles brightly  with his eyes sparkling. "Of course, after all your name means lion, right?" "Yes!" He takes the lion into his hands.

"Cute lion." "You're a cute lion." His face turns pink. "Don't say that!" He whines as I ruffle his hair. "Do you want to come over tomorrow?" "Sure!" He places his lips on mine and we kiss for a while.

"See you tomorrow, giant." "Shrimpy." "I'm not short!" "Yeah sure." He walks away. "Argh that giant!" I go inside and too my room.

That giant! (Levxreader)Where stories live. Discover now