Great, now both brothers are getting well acquainted and makes fun of me together.

"Sorry, would you like any drinks, Laura?"

She stifle a laugh and replies, "Yes dear, I would love tea."

"I don't mind Iced Tea", Luke adds while waving his hand exaggeratedly trying to remind me he's a guest too.

I turn to James, "Baby", he rolls his eyes, "please...", I grin at him and it works as he got up from the couch.

"Fine! Only because it's your snack time too!", and he left to the kitchen.

"Where have you been all of our life?! I can't believe that's my own son.", and the three of us in the living room laugh at this.

"Ohh I assure you, it's not me. He is still a very stubborn guy. It's the twins."


"Call me if you need anything ok.", James kisses my forehead, nose and lips before walks out of the door.

James is going over to my place with his dad to get my things. Luke has an emergency at the hospital so he has no choice but to call his dad.
He was going to do everything himself but finally give in as he wants to get everything done quickly.

His plan is, today they'll pack and bring over all my clothes, books, food, baby and my work items. Plus some of my favourite decors to brighten up this place.

Then, Luke & Laura will make a separate trip within this week to move my plants.

I feel so bad to trouble all of them for this, but I practically has no say on this as James arrange everything.

Before James left, he had reminded Laura multiple times to make sure that I don't move around a lot and showed her where are my snacks. Seriously, this is my first meet with his mom and he expects her to babysit me, what kind of first impression am I making. I frown at this.

"Laura, come let's have a seat. Please don't worry too much of what James said, I'm more than capable to walk to the kitchen. He just worry too much."

"Let him worry, he has made me worry all of his life.", she says lightly but I know in reality both of them has went through a lot.

"I hope you had a good sleep last night."
She stayed in a nearby hotel last night despite my offer to stay in my apartment. Although there is a spare room here, I know it is a bit too much for James, it has already taken a lot for him to have guests in his man cave.

"Ohh yes, I had a great sleep! I slept right away once I laid down. It has been awhile that I travel for non-work related, so I must say that this trip is quite a nice break for me. And of course because I finally get to meet my son's girl and see my brand new son."

I just smile at this, still feeling awkward and not sure how to respond.

"I-", Laura continues but paused to take a deep breath. I stay quiet to let her continue.
"I made huge mistakes when I was younger that he unfortunately got caught in between. I constantly wish that I have done things differently so maybe, maybe he won't turn up that way. But when he text me to tell that he's having a baby, and he's sticking around, for the first time I had the confidence that maybe he can finally be happy and learn to love."

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