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hello everyone! this fic is out of my comfort zone but i really like writing it so far! it's definitely not everybody's cup of tea, but for those of you who are greedy like me and love harem stories, this one's for you. this fic was inspired by distortion by jazzywazzy08! you can find her work on wattpad and, it's all definitely worth reading. my story isn't that similar to distortion (the plot is going in a completely different direction and some of the pairings are different) but that was the fic that got my wheels turning for this one so credit to distortion! enjoy the story, pretty people!

pairings: bonnie x mikaelson siblings, bonnie x salvatore brothers, bonnie x katherine


Bonnie's alarm startled her awake and she fell out of her queen sized bed in a heap of blankets and sheets. Instead of struggling to escape the comforter that was tangled around her, she just laid on the ground silently, her lips folded into a scowl.

Her alarm continued to beep wildly and there was now a bump on her elbow that hurt, but she stayed down without moving an inch. It was her way of saying 'screw you' to the universe. I mean, really? Five seconds into the day and she already had a minor injury.

Reluctantly, she decided to be a big girl and start her day instead of laying on the ground in her feelings. She forced her mood to simmer and she sighed, getting up to go to the bathroom.

After brushing her teeth, washing her face and banging her head on the wall a few times, she picked out her clothes for the day.

She was constantly picked on by her friends for her bohemian clothes style, but she loved it. Grams was just as groovy as she was in the fashion department and she always told Bonnie that clothing is a way to show who you really are. And Bonnie, like her Grams, was a crystal carrying hippie, so she showed that with her outfits.

Even throughout all the supernatural drama that surrounded her life, the one thing she never neglected was how to dress. She couldn't say that for the other aspects of her, though. The last time she'd gotten a full night of sleep, eaten three meals a day or trimmed her nails to a respectable length was long behind her.

She tried to take care of herself, but when the Original hybrid is coming after your best friend you have to let some things go, right?

Her commute to school was easy. She drove her little white Prius and took a deep breath as she parked it, questioning if she really wanted to enter that building. She'd had moments like that all the time lately. Did she really want to complete the task of living her life when it felt like just that? A task?

Stop getting existential at 7:30 in the morning, Bonnie, she scolded herself, stepping out of her car and dragging her feet to the open doors of the school.


Bonnie took a seat at her desk, ready for AP chem. That morning she was much too tired for human interaction, which made navigating the halls of the school very difficult.

When she first entered the home of the Timberwolves, she spotted Caroline and Elena chatting near Elena's locker. She hoped they didn't see her. She loved those two to death but she really wasn't in the mood for them today.

She waved to Tyler, Matt and Jeremy but when they opened their mouths to start a conversation with her, her pace picked up increasingly.

And of course, when she was parking her car she got a glimpse of Stefan (slash Ripper slash asshole) sweet talking some freshman girls by his motorcycle in the parking lot. That earned an instant eye roll from her.

adoreOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora