Please Never Fall In love Again

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Could've been one lonely night

Just like the others

Damian thought to himself as he held a sleeping Marinette closer to him. He was glad to have finally found someone that wouldn't portray him as a snotty brat but as someone that always kept their guards up.

But you light up my life

They have barely started dating and yet his life has been more clearer and brighter than ever. He loved the way it felt for her to be so close to him.

This what it's like to be lovers

This is what it's like to be lovers, he thought as he watched his angel laugh and snuggle closer to him as they watched Shrek. His favorite series of movies but he wouldn't admit it to anyone else.

You and me need never be

Lonely again

He whispered to her. And promised himself that now that they're together he would never make her feel lonely like her old class made her feel. He will make sure of it.

Spin with me endlessly

Or at least until the end

He hopes to have many adventures in the future with her, even take her to one of his father's galas so he could spin and dance with her until they can't dance anymore.

Please never fall in love again

Oh, please never fall in love again

He asked her in his mind because if she did fall in love with someone that isn't himself then he wouldn't know what would happen.

And if some other guy catches your eyes

But if she does fall in love with someone else even if it's with Agreste he would agree and back off.

Please just text me your goodbye

But the only two request he would have for her is

One: just text him her goodbye for she wouldn't feel bad about not being able to fall in with him.

You know I don't look pretty when I cry.

She knew how he didn't look as appealing when he cried to her and he wouldn't want her to see him break down.

And I don't want that to be the final glimpse of me baby

He knew for a fact that he wouldn't want her to remember his face like that.

But if you could please return my Shrek DVDs maybe.

The second request was to maybe have his Shrek DVD back just to know that his Habibi used it and touched it. If she wanted to return it.

Please never fall in love again.

He asked her as he started to grow tired as well not knowing if she could hear him or not.

Oh please never fall in love again.

She heard him tell her as she felt him start getting comfortable and hold her as they both started to drift.


Was the last thing she heard and the last thing he said before drifting off and she as well asked the same things back not wanting to lose what they have at the moment. Not knowing what the future will hold with the two.

Hey I'm posting drafts I've had for some time so they might be short, or just straight up crappy so here :) and Im down for some request to write it might take a while for me to publish it but if you have a request dm me :))

Daminette One-shots (I changed the title)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن