Reality Comes Crashing Down

Start from the beginning

Zevon's expression softened. "Zed's awake?"

Addison nodded. "Yeah, but he's not acting like himself."

Zevon rubbed her back comfortingly. "Why don't you go home, get some rest, and I'll talk to him? Zed loves you with all his heart, so I know there must be a reason he's acting this way. He'd never hurt you purposely."

"O-Okay." Addison relented. "Thank you."

Zevon smiled. "Of course. Now, go home and take care of yourself and the baby. I'll take care of Zed."

Addison nodded and Zevon watched her make her way into the parking garage before making his way into the hospital to visit his son.


Zevon slowly opened the door to Zed's room. As he stepped inside, Zevon's gaze immediately fell on his son. Zed was laying back in the bed, eyes closed, but the breathing tube was gone.

Zevon took a few steps forward but stopped when Zed's eyes fluttered open.


A smile grew on Zevon's face. He had never been so happy to hear his son's voice.

"Zed." Zevon rushed forward, engulfing his son in a hug. "You're finally awake. Thank Z. We've all been so worried."

Zed cracked a smile, pulling out of the hug. "I missed you too dad."

Zevon patted Zed's shoulder, taking a seat in the chair beside his bed. "You know, I saw Addison on the way in. She was pretty upset. She was crying because she says you yelled at her. Did you?"

Zed sighed. "Yeah, I did. She wouldn't leave me alone, and I snapped. It was wrong, I know, but I needed some space."

Zevon nodded, contemplating his words. "I see. But did you ever stop to consider her feelings? Addison has been coming to the hospital everyday since the accident to visit you. She's had to wait six months to have a conversation with you and the first chance she gets, you push her away."

"I'm sorry." Zed replied. "But I need some time to focus on me."

Zevon frowned. "Zed, for the last six months Addison has been handling this entire pregnancy on her own. There's only a month left until the baby arrives. I know you are still recovering, but she needs you to be there for her. This isn't something you can put off until later. Discussing the pregnancy will make things easier on both of you."

Zed averted his gaze. "Nothing about this is going to be easy." He muttered.

Zevon could see the sadness and uncertainty in his son's eyes. Something was eating at him, big time.

"Son, what's really going on?" Zevon ventured, trying to coax Zed into talking about what's bothering him. "Because we both know something is eating away at you. Talk to me Zed, please."

Zed balled his fists, bunching up the blankets in his hands. For a moment, he was silent. Then, he spoke.

"I'm paralyzed, Dad."

Zevon froze at his words. The doctors had mentioned in the beginning that there was a chance this could happen, but he never actually thought it would happen. Zed was always strong, he always defied the odds. Why was this time any different?

"I'm so sorry Zed." Zevon replied gently. "But I know you are strong, you will find a way to overcome this."

"Really? How?" Zed asked bitterly. "My football career is over, I have to learn to function without my legs, and on top of it, I'm going to end up being a useless father."

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