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The glare off the canyon wall filled the room, sending shafts of bright sunlight across Jayza's face. Groaning, she pulled the coverlet over her head and sought the dream she had been woken from. But sleep proved elusive, just as it had for most of the night, and she threw back the covers with a curse. Looking at the other side of the bed elicited another curse when she saw it was empty. Again.

"Scorched Sands!" she exclaimed irritably. "Where in the bloody Seven Lands did he go this time?"

Sitting up, she wasn't surprised to see she was still tethered. And that the key was nowhere in sight. Drawing her knees under her chin, she wondered if Tavan had left because of what she said. Not that she was sorry. She had only told him the truth. A truth he obviously wasn't happy to hear.

After her statement, he had become rigid, his face filled with thunder. Jayza had sat perfectly still, meeting his angry gaze with a neutral expression. When he raised his hand, she fought the urge to flinch, determined not to let him think she was scared. But he hadn't struck her, a fact she found surprising. Instead, he had pointed at the bed while standing over her.

"Go," he ordered.

"No," she responded, crossing her arms defiantly.

"I'm warning you, Jayza. Get in the bed now." His voice lowered, the warning clear.

She had continued to refuse, compressing her lips as her eyes flashed. Tavan hadn't hesitated. Scooping her up, he carried her flailing body and dumped her in the middle of the mattress. When she attempted to scramble away, he roughly hauled her back, sitting on her legs so she couldn't escape. Grabbing her wrist, he cuffed it and then attached the other end to the bedpost, surprising her again. Coming around to other side, he stripped down to his undergarment, then slipped into bed, turning his back to her.

"Go to sleep," he growled, drawing the coverlet up. Jayza had stared at his back, debating whether to continue the argument or not, then decided it might be better if she remained quiet. Instead, she rolled on her side, staring at the terrace, and squeezed her eyes shut. But sleep had not come and from the sound of Tavan's heavy breathing, it hadn't for him either. Jayza had opened her eyes, staring at the blackness outside and pretending he wasn't sleeping alongside her. She fought the tears that threatened, gritting her teeth and cursing herself for being such a fool. She should have known better. Did know better. Tavan was married to the Empire. There was no room for anyone else in his heart. And his marriage had made him blind to everything but the propaganda he was fed. He simply refused to believe anything else because that would mean his marriage was a sham and his lover was not faithful. Or honest. Her desperate attempts to get him to look at things differently were just that. Desperate. And doomed to fail. Jayza cursed again, drawing herself into a tight ball and beginning to wish the journey was over. At least then she wouldn't have to deal with the feelings that overwhelmed her every time he was near.

The light outside had begun to brighten before she finally succumbed. But from the way the light was hitting the canyon wall, she could tell it had only been a short time ago. She was exhausted and wanted desperately to sleep more but her body obviously wasn't going to cooperate. Instead, she wondered what her statements meant for the remainder of the trip. A trip she had been consciously avoiding thinking about. Shifting position, she gazed out the doors again, the first feelings of hopelessness settling over her. If she couldn't escape Tavan, then how could she ever hope to get out of the Emperor's dungeon alive?

The glare had disappeared by the time Tavan returned. Jayza was surprised at his attire. He was outfitted in his military gear, although his sword was missing, as were his gloves and helmet. Looking closer, she saw he looked as haggard as she felt, giving her a slight bit of satisfaction. Curiosity warred with irritation, and she chewed her bottom lip, wanting to ask where he had been but afraid his temper would explode again.

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