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It took five more days to reach Sim Hanji. As Jayza predicted, the sand and debris deposited by the Kimsan became shallower and eventually cleared almost completely. Jayza silently concluded that the Wind Witch had eventually discovered his target was on the Imperial Road and left this area free. The clearing landscape raised the men's spirits, especially once they found the road that led to Sim Hanji. Wildlife became more abundant and when they made their way back onto it, Tavan was able to get an approximate idea of where they were. He sent several men south and two west to procure water from the wells and springs noted on the map, sending an extra horse with each to carry back whatever they could load and carry. While they waited, he had his men reattach the wheels to the wagons, using the wood from the sleds for fuel.

Unfortunately, the march had not come without cost. Three more men and one more horse died along the way. The first came the day after Tavan allowed the men into his tent. One of them had forgotten a cardinal rule of the desert and didn't shake out his bedding before climbing into it. A scorpion had hidden away in the bottom, and it stung him as he stretched out. Jayza had sprung into action, opening the cut with Tavan's dagger and sucking and spitting out the poison. But the man had suffered some sort of reaction, seizing and dying even as Jayza worked on him.

The second came later that day. A Raptor in the rear vanguard suddenly screamed and took off, galloping straight into the desert with two men giving chase. Tavan had called a halt to the march, allowing the men an unscheduled rest while they waited. Eventually, the two men returned empty-handed, admitting guiltily they had been unable to catch their comrade. They told Tavan the missing man had been incoherent, claiming he saw a great lake surrounded by trees and filled with wildfowl. Jayza had instantly realized the man had suffered delusions, probably from lack of food and water, and mistook a Desert Dream for something real. She had seen wanderers, people who had become lost in the desert around her prior home, display the same madness when they were rescued and bought back for medical aid. Often, they recovered after their bodies had been replenished and they had gotten adequate rest. But some were so far gone they were relegated to the home at the edge of the town where those who suffered from mental maladies were housed.

The third man had cut himself somehow. Believing it to be nothing more than a scratch, he had kept it hidden. But because he hadn't told anyone, he hadn't been given anything to clean it properly with. The wound had become infected and festered and he gradually became sicker and sicker. By the time Tavan and the one Raptor versed in medical lore had discovered the reason for his illness, the infection had spread and without the proper herbs, there was nothing they could do. Jayza had plugged her ears, curling in a ball as the man screamed in agony. His death had come somewhat as a relief, finally allowing her and the men to sleep.

The first two days after Tavan relaxed discipline had raised the morale of the group. After cleaning the tent of her collection, she and Tavan had pulled the rugs and attached them to the support poles, creating a separate space for the men to sleep. The Raptors consisted of a total of forty-five men. Broken into groups of ten, each one was overseen by a Commander who reported to Tavan. With the loss of seven men and an additional four having been sent as messengers, Tavan had moved a few men around, leaving three groups with seven Raptors and one with eight. Unfortunately, that left one extra man with no opponent. Tavan had given the matter some thought, finally coming up with a solution that made his men groan.

"Lots will be drawn before the rest are assigned," he said. "Whoever is chosen faces me. If they win, they sleep in the tent with the rest of the winners. If not, the winners all get a little extra leg room." So, for the last several nights, one Raptor had been forced to play Tavan. And all, surprisingly, had won. Jayza had a sneaking suspicion Tavan let them win but when she asked, he winked but refused to either confirm or deny it.

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