"Okay fine yes." I playfully roll my eyes at him.

Lorenzo smiles. "Thanks! I love it."

I felt kind of goofy because only now I realize I never really done any romantic gestures with a guy before. I believed that Lorenzo had finally brought out my soft side and it felt even more strange to me, I didn't even recognize myself anymore.

After enjoying our dinner we talked about many things. Some of them were out most mischievous moments as kids. Sneaking out, lying to our parents and how at the end we would pretty much get caught in our lies. We had great laughs.

But it wasn't until Lorenzo brought out a book of family pictures is when I had the most laughs. There is one of Lorenzo as a baby covered in flour because he was trying to make cupcakes for his mother.

"I have something for you." Lorenzo hands me a camera.

But it wasn't just any camera. "This is Pansy's camera."

Lorenzo turns it on. "Yeah she gave this to me before we escaped, though I got too nervous and well it got damaged in the water. I went to a shop and got it all fixed up for you."

I hug Lorenzo very happy for what he did. I look up for a brief moment because something had caught my eyes, it was Cameron looking down at us. I knew he has been waiting very patiently and that my time is finally up now.

Lorenzo pulls away, "let's take a picture together to see if it works fine now." So we do take one together and it came out perfectly fine.

"Go take one with pepper." I ask him and Lorenzo stands up and calls out for pepper.

I quickly reach into the basket and take out a bottle of wine and two glass cups. I fill them up and quickly take out the tiny bottle and pour the liquid inside. I put Lorenzo glass of wine on top of the basket and I put mine between my legs.

By now pepper is running towards Lorenzo barking in excitement. I point the camera towards them and I snap a couple pictures of them two playing around. I look through the camera and see that indeed the camera is still working perfectly. "Yeah everything's good." I smile at Lorenzo.

I stand up and hand him his glass, "thank you."

He brings me into a hug and kisses my head. " no problem."

We both drink the wine at the same time and Lorenzo doesn't seem to notice anything was off. Well that wasn't until we sat back down is when he said he started to feel a little dizzy. "I don't usually drink, and when I do..welll it doesn't make me feel like this." He said jokingly. By now Lorenzo was slurring his words and I couldn't make out much of the things he was saying.

Lorenzo lays down between my legs and I just play with his soft hair as he slowly drifts off to sleep. Once he stops talking I place a kiss on his head and just sit there in silence.

"You better come back alive or else he would never forgive me." Cameron says while kneeling down next to me. "I'll tell the chauffeur to get the car ready." He walks back inside the house.

At the same time Owen and Sebastian walk out. They both gave me a kind of look that said they felt sorry for me in a million ways. They both carried out Lorenzo.

Once out they place Lorenzo inside the car. I take out the picture we had both taken just moments ago and slip it inside his coat. I grab his face and lean in to place a kiss on his lips.

I back away and Sebastian comforts me. "Come back." Is all Cameron says to me as he slips inside the car.

The car drives off and I feel my throat tighten, I was trying to hard not to cry. But this would be another motivation to come back for him.

The Grindelwald'sTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang