Chapter Three-- 🎶👏

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(Also the top picture of Fundy is how I imagine him looking in this.)


The morning sunshine peeks through the slits in the blinds, gaping into the room to interrupt my sleep. I groan, turning myself away from the window. I pull my pillow over my head for extra measures, and attempt to return to my slumber. I hear a faint knock sound from the door, opposite the room. I huff a breath and bury myself deeper into the bed. The knock sounds again, only a tiny bit louder.

"No," I put down, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Uhm, To-Fi? It's me, Fundy."

"I'm sleeping," I call to him, dropping the hint.

"I-I know, but Wilbur said to come and wake you up for breakfast. We have some things to discuss about your transfer."

I don't respond, now ignoring the male. There's an audible sigh through the door, before the door knob jiggles in its turn,

"I'm coming in..." He informs, his voice soft and peaceful.

He walks through the room, unsure of how to approach me, coming over to my bedside. Fundy pokes me in the arm, pushing me a bit with his finger,

"You have to wake up,"

"The sun just came up," I grumble, "That doesn't mean I have to follow suit,"

I peek open my eyes for a brief moment to see his ears drooped. Fundy looks very uncomfortable with the whole task of waking me up. I turn my head away-- only to be instantly reminded of the sunshine on the other side. I groan more drastically, forcing the pillow over my head.

"Please wake up, now," The fox whimpers, poking me again on the shoulder.

I let out a heavy breath, pulling the pillow aside.

"What's for breakfast...?" I ask hesitantly,

Fundy offers me an insecure smile, tilting his head to the side by a small amount.

"Wilbur made toast and eggs?"

I sniff the air, sitting up in bed, "I suppose it doesn't ... smell burnt,"

Fundy eases up a tad as I brush my hair out of my eyes,

"Yeah... Wilbur never burns his food. Of course, he doesn't cook often enough, either."

I yawn, covering my open mouth as I do. I look over at the male again, studying him up and down. I notice the folded fabrics in her left arm and point to them.

"Whass'at?" I slur, gesturing to the folds in one hand.

With the other, I rub the sleep out of my eyes.

Fundy flinches, scrambling to hold out the attire for me. He averts my gaze as he tells me what these are,

"Wilbur already arranged your uniform! Our only rule here is no armor within the walls, but the uniform is more a symbol of pride... This one's yours."

I look down at the threads, reaching out to take them from him. I take the top from the pile and unfold it, revealing a royal blue long-coat, with a red sash strung loosely around the shoulders.

Oh, and the shoulders--,

Decorated with golden shoulder pads, draped with yarn strings. The details on this coat-- and the coat alone-- are incredible and precise!

"It might be big in some parts, due to the fact that we haven't gotten your measurements. If it's too big, just tell Wilbur and he'll get it fixed for you."

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