Gods Grow Lonely

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Gods grow lonely too.

Looking down upon a lesser world

It doesn't take a higher being to recognize

Scum from scum.

Pitiful beings,

Their existence only poses the question;


When born as dirt one should live as filth, so


Show thy misery,

Expose thy hate,

Remember thy name.

If insects don't dance, what purpose do they serve?

Happiness is not yours to seek, so


It should be mine, so


Why do they possess that which a God cannot grasp?


I've studied worms and the ways they should crawl;

For a God it should be simple,

All I need is dirt.

My pitiful creation, your world is me for I am all.

Do not ask me


You are to ask me


I've spent my life spectating so now I will teach.

Watch me dance and remember;

It's you that's pitiful,

Not me.


Today is a new day.


Yesterday never happened.

Tongues stained blue, cloudless skies sung a certain song. A melody on loop, birds chirp of their travels above incoherent chatter. Background music of the word is tuned out as pain screams louder. A pain that's been denied recognition, for today is devoted only to good.

Good meaning ice cream.

Heat of Summer bullies spring while a convenience store curb houses the pair. Seeking refuge in the shade they replace memories that hurt with chilled flavors of berry.

Mask pulled down, Sanzu's attention is equally divided between a new phone and ice cream while yours is balanced between ice cream and mourning.

"We're bad parents," you wept internally, looking at the replacement phone free of damages or dents. "My heart says it likes the old one better."

"I don't see the issue, they're basically the same."

Attachment to inanimate objects is an emotion your roommate uses sparingly. Brushing away your previous complaint, one hand tapped along a fresh set of keys while the other lazily maintained a half finished popsicle.

"The ice cream's making ya cold Mr. Sanzu. What about all the memories that were jam packed in the old one?" emotionally driven, you expressed the extent of your disapproval, "to let go of them so easily is just-"

Turning the screen towards you, Sanzu's cold temperature thawed out, displaying a picture of an automotive victim taken the night prior. Basically the same down to its pixelated memory.

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