Imitating Shadows

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Imitating shadows;

Does this give me a form?

Of course not but—

It was fun being a part of something.

I feel God's wrath;

Detesting each canvas.

I'll try harder;

I̶'̶l̶l̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶r̶i̶g̶h̶t̶.̶

The cycle continues,

And the body begs;

To be bound to skin.

To be nothing,

To be everything,



Sanzu Haruchiyo, otherwise known as: Mr. Sanzu, Boss, on occasion: Sir, and formerly revoked: Haru Haru, hit the new age of 15 today.

Mr. Sanzu had never been big on birthdays, but this year was different because this year; you had money—let's rephrase that; you were slightly less poor, therefore Sanzu would have a slightly better birthday; is how you imagined it.

With that in mind; the interval between now and execution time was wearing thin. You had to be in peak form or the delivery could crash and burn so to keep that from happening you needed the peakest of assistants; Chifuyu Matsuno.

He volunteered to help, seeing as it wasn't a lot, just someone to get you to the store and back. The sole objective was getting some ingredients because yes; although you were slightly less poor, you imagined Sanzu would have a slightly better birthday if you didn't spend the money on some random gift and instead gave him the money directly. This didn't leave you much to work with but you still wanted to make something resembling a cake so, when you don't have molds— cookies have to suffice.

You could say this birthday idea derailed long before you even had the chance to conjure it; peak as it may have been.

Within the apartment; pencil in one hand, a scrap of paper and envelope in the other, you looked to Chifuyu for one final task;

"Here's the plan— you write happy birthday on this piece of paper then I copy it onto this envelope."

You were thrilled with yourself, to say the least.

"Got it, but... have you thought about going back to school?"

"No sir!"

You weren't illiterate but it's safe to say you could've devoted a few more experience points towards reading, even more so in writing but hey—does school provide income? Of course not, so; why care about the 'big picture' when a small one already exists.

"Yeah, I thought you'd say that."

Chifuyu shrugged, as he pressed the pencil against the paper you watched closely, trying to imitate each line he created. Taking a look at your finished product it looked...

—Yeah, it could've looked better.

"It'll help if you fix some of these lines."

Chifuyu pointed out a few of the stray areas that were harder to distinguish, showing you how to write them once more.

"That should be good."

The envelope was beaten with eraser marks by the time you finished but that just gave it more character.

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