Chapter Four

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My throat went tight at the sound of his name King Drake. He has never been King and he never will. At least not when I am alive. I was ready and started to faint. Trint caught me and we went to get some horses. Drake was the town blacksmith and I never thought he was bad. He seemed nice but unusally quiet. I didn't like him much.

When we arrived a servant came out to greet us and to give us a seat. I stood. Drake soon came out and talked. He said he would marry my mother and be king. I shouted "Over my dead body". Then came what I wished never had. I was in the middle of a duel with an Idiot. He tried to kill me. I looked around to see if Trint was near. He was with my mother who was tied up on a chair.

While looking for them Drake took advantadge and tried a combination of cuts and slices. Then I screamed louder than anyone in the universe. Then I looked and on my left arm was a scar for life. I retreated to my family. He came over shouted "This is what happens when you cross lines with me. Lucy marry me or die." I shouted louder (But not as loud as my scream) "OVER MY DEAD BODY!" (Evidently he didn't understand the first time around) After I had yelled I realized Trint had yelled with me.

We both got up and had our swords in our hands. This time together. We fought and fought but we were no match to him. We surrendered. He threw us in prison with my mother. He took our swords and was going to take over the castle. Drake had trouble coming as soon as my father got home.

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