Chapter Two

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My party is decorated and my guests are arriving. We are greeting our guests and checking them off the guest list. This is kinda how it went. Commoner Julie, Princess Kari, Commoner Hallie, Princess Niki, and Commoner Jakie. It went on and on and on and on and on until everyone was checked off. I went inside around ten minutes after that went on and on. Then I went in and welcomed my guests. I thanked everyone for coming. Then we blasted some music. We made a like a ramp type thingy. Trint called it THE SLIPPER! We loved going down that and dancing.

We had snacks by the dozen and ice cream. Oh don't forget the cake! We had a karioki and a dancing competition. We even had pizza! We normaly don't get pizza here but Trint said we needed it! We had a great time. Niki won the dance competition and Julie won the karioki!
We even watched movies. AWESOME!

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