2. 🌪things Mikey does.🌪

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🐶- Zoomies.

🐶- he is up at 3 am running a freaking marathon around the house.

🐶- he chews your shoes and other stuff on the daily.

🐶- he also likes likes to be brushed and groomed.

🐶- he doesn't like the groomers and will only let you brush him and clip his nails.

🐶- he bit a groomer before just for trying to clip his claws.

🐶-Tbh he acts more like a cat than a dog.

🐶- he's always napping everytime you see him when you come home.

🐶- he even continued to do that on the weekends.

🐶- he is LAZY!

🐶- don't take him on a walk he'll get tired and you'll have to carry him back home.

🐶- He is a VERY picky eater. He doesn't like cheap dog food.

🐶- If you put it in front of him, he will look you up and down then stare at the food.

🐶- then he will look at you with a "You're joking,right?"

🐶- this rule goes for treats as well.

🐶- other than that he gets REALLY excited for meals, but looks at you like your crazy when you wanna play fetch with him.

🐶- " Lady, I just got back from having a thermometer shoved up my BUTT, get away from me- Wait come back I need love!"

🐶- Ever heard that saying "all bark,no bite?"

🐶- Not for him. Oh no,he's all BITE, no bark.

🐶- ask you friend what happened when he tried to make moves on you.

🐶- Mikey is a jealous bean. He doesn't like the idea that someone else could possibly steal your attention from him.

🐶- He will bite ankles and kneecaps if he has too.

🐶- he Hates when you spend too much time with another dog.

🐶- remember that pillow from before? Yeah for some reason its his favorite thing in the house.

🐶- he will drag it with him throughout the whole house.

🐶- he will also drag it to the bed and lay on it.

🐶- he can be so dramatic.

🐶- will follow you around the house when he wants affection and if you don't pay attention he'll stare at you until you look at him.

🐶- he's not really vocal. He doesn't bark as much as you mould think.

🐶- he will never try to bite or hurt you.

🐶- but if he does he will lick the bite or claw mark and hushed whimpering.

🐶- He absolutely HATES the mailman we don't know why.

🐶- you let him out to go pee at night sometimes and he doesn't come back for a while.

🐶- sometimes he some back with some wounds and blood on him.

🐶- then you just take him to the vet.

🐶- y'all be play fighting.

🐶-he play dirty and be pulling hair.

🐶- he is highly alert when he sleeps, incase of an intruder.

🐶- he might be a hand full but he loves you and you love him. The perfect family you are.

🌺Hi not much to say really. But thanks for reading by the time this is out I'll have started chapter 3. K buyers!-Author-chan🌺

Raising Mikey. ( Tokyo revengers as pets headcannons and scenarios)Where stories live. Discover now