"Make it 5" He tried to bargain. "No can do" Alexandre smirked back.

"FINE. Fine" Anthony scowled.

"Leander" Alexandre called out.

"Taylor, let go of him." Leander sighed, giving me a warning glare through the mirror. Did i do as he said? Yes.

"My money Anthony." Alexandre turned around.

"What money? Anthony glared. "You just asked Leander to do it"

"Well you thought i could stop her from doing what she wants? Ha." Alexandre scoffed. "Now money"

"I could have done that myself, asshole." He scoffed

"You didn't. No excuses. And respect your elders." Alexandre smirked.

"Bitch we are twins. And here, keep you goddamn money." Anthony pouted. From the mirror, i saw Leander frowning, but he is always frowning so.


I had been 'shopping' for the past half an hour now, and the urge to just use the money for pizza was very hard to resist. Yet the two guards dad had stationed at the door of his shop, made it impossible. And by shopping, i meant looking around. I didn't need half of this stuff, but what i did need was pizza.

"Taylor, can  i talk to you" Leander walked to me casually. 

"I swear i was not planning to really throw Anthony out of the car." Was the first thing i said, trying to think of other stuff for which he could scold me, finding none. Your girl hadn't caused any trouble since she got grounded for that prank with Anthony.

"No, not about that" He chuckled.

"Look, i don't want you to be afraid of me." Leander mumbled, and i burst out laughing.

Me? Scared of him? That was truly funny. He looked like an adorable pouting puppy when he was trying to be mad at me.

I was laughing so hard that i stumbled into the wall behind me, and leaned against it to balance myself.

"And why" i wiped away a tear that fell from my eye. "And why would i be scared of you" I tried to catch my breathe.

"Well, you always listen to what i tell you to do, unlike others and" Leander mumbled again.

"Leander" I interrupted. "It is because i respect you ,not fear you." I smiled. "I had a lot of respect for you since even before i knew you. I saw how you handled everything after dad was kidnapped by, well technically by me. So don't worry." I reassured him. "You have earned my respect, bravo" I joked.

"And you trust?" He questioned solemnly, making my smile turn upside down.

"That's the hardest part." I gave him a small smile, and then walked away.

Believe me, i wanted to. But i just could not trust him, even though i knew he trusted me. Despite knowing that i shouldn't, i felt extremely guilty for it.

"Tya tya" Anthony's voice came from some corner of the shop. Oh lord.

So, i had been looking for that asshole for the past 10 minutes, and without any luck. Tired, i sat down on the couch. Why did he even call me if he just wanted to disappear off?

"Aww, you giving up" I heard from my left, and on instinct, my hand grabbed my gun, and pointed it at the intruder.

Who just happened to be Anthony, his mouth covered in chocolate, one hand held up in surrender, the other holding a chocolate bar.

"I forgot we should not scare you." He muttered. 

"Where were you?" I asked, lowering the gun.

"Playing hide and seek" He grinned. "You lost"

"What? Anthony- uggh forget it" I groaned. "Why did you call me?" I asked.

"We have to scare the others, come on" He started to drag me.

"What? Anthony we are in a damn store? You want to prank them right now?" 

"Yes, that's the entire purpose now come onnnnn"

And that is how i found myself crouching underneath a shelf, with Alfonio standing in front, oblivious to me.Time for action.

I slid the pen i had in my hand across, successfully hitting the shelf opposite, and creating a noise. Just like i had thought, Alfonio turned around to look and before he could walk too far, i grabbed his ankle for two seconds, instantly letting go after, and moving out from my hiding spot. His scream could probably be heard two floors up, and i pretended like i ran all the way to see what happened, with a gun in hand to make it seem like i was looking for a sign of danger. 

I carefully surveyed the scene in front of me, and then ran to Alfonio, who was now on the floor, pointing at the shelf i was just hiding under.

"What happened Alfonio? You screamed so loud, oh god. Are you okay?" I crouched beside him, the rest joining us soon.

He just nodded, his hand still pointing to the shelf, his eyes big, mouth hung open, and no other reaction whatsoever. 

I think I traumatised the poor lad.


Don't forget to vote, comment and share!!

AN; As you might have figured out, the updates won't be once in three days, but weekly now. Too much stuff going on. So keep your calendars marked for every weekend!

Anyway, ENJOY!! 

And comment what you think about Anthony --->


Edit: So, i thought i had published this yesterday before going to sleep, but guess what i found when i woke up? IT WAS NOT PUBLISHED!! 

So, sorry for that :( 

Update every weekend, either Saturday or sunday

Now i have to pay attention in class 

Today's shout out to EscapingReality3474 go follow her



Bellona- The Blaze of IceМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя