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Alright I had a sudden burst of motivation to complete this chapter. This chapter was actually meant for the 'Heejay' parents book 😅 but when I wrote today it became something very different 😅😅
So I am posting this here, I may post it there as well, not confirmed though.

And this is a very special dedication to my soulmate, first moonlighter nada enhypenandtreasure
Whose bday went by this month. Sorry nada I couldn't write anything back then, so please accept this. Don't stress too much okay, and take of yourself. All the best for your exams dear


Well a story that was requested. Heejay confessions…

Version one: after iland 
Hopefully there would be other versions 🥺


It was their first day in their new dorm as enhypen. None of them were able to sleep. It was difficult especially now that they have crossed all hurdles and are so near to reaching their dreams. They were no longer trainees but debut group that is debuting soon. They felt that time was going too fast and too much happened, they had no idea how to control their excitement.

Heeseung remembered all those sleepless nights at the practice room alongside jay as he unconsciously shifted on his side to have a look at the boy. 

He smiled when he realised that the said boy himself was staring the lower part of bunk bed as if he was dazed. 

Heeseung decided that it is now or never. He got up attracting attention of way more people than he expected but not of the one he wanted. He sent a pleading look to jungwon, silently requesting him to ensure no one comes after him as he went beside jay and shaked him a bit. 

"Jongseong- ah"

"Huh! What happened hyung??" Jay immediately asked as he sat up. 

He followed heeseung instinctively as the older held his wrist and took him outside. He found himself in the practice room. He wa shocked when he realised that heeseung had closed and locked the door. 

"What happened hyung? You okay?" He questioned. 

"I-i want to confess something Jongseong" heeseung said looking at the floor unable to meet Jay's eyes as he tried to gather all his strength. 

"Hyung is everything alright?" Jay asked as he moved closer to heeseung putting his hand on heeseungs face to have a closer look. 

Heeseung lost himself in Jay's eyes the moment he had looked straight into the eyes of the younger. 

His eyes were like his name. His eyes were shining like stars do in night light. They contained the whole universe inside which heeseung wanted to be inside of. 

Heeseung was brought back from his thoughts when he felt small hands wrapping around his cheeks. He looked down and saw Jay's pouty lips and concerned eyes. 

"I love you Jongseong. I love you." 

Jay stepped back almost tripping over his feet in the process. His face was priceless. 

His eyes were wide, in disbelief, mouth open and a lost look over his face as he processed what was said to him. 

"I realised this when you had to go to the ground back in iland. I didn't think being away from you would affect me as much as it did. In those few days I realised I was constantly worried about you- whether you were eating or not, were over-practicing, did you cry, did you get scolded,  who was beside you, etc etc. I-i realised that I had fallen for you. I can't be away from you Jay. I need you, always, with me, near me, beside me. I wanted to pass with you, I wanted to be beside you in the debut group. I wanted to be beside you for the rest of my life. 

I want to eat your cooking, have you dress me, take each other on various vacations like the one we had, spend my time, my earnings with you, on you. I want to hold your hand as we walk down the path of life. I thought a lot about it, about how should I propose, how should I make you aware that I want you, all for myself. I am selfish right? Selfish because I want every part of you, that innocent part from when I met you for the first time, that loyal part, that intelligent part, that humble part, this grown up piece as well. 

I want you to be mine Jongseong-ah, just mine, forever." Heeseung took a deep breath and looked back into Jay's eyes as he said, "take my heart as yours seong, just yours. Keep this naughty child safe with you, within you. Let me, Lee Heeseung, become yours. Please become my beloved boyfriend Jongseong." 

Jay was first staring at heeseung and then down at his feets. Silent tears were flowing down his cheeks. 

He tried to speak something only to get caught in his own words. 



I" the sentence was never completed. Jay had wrapped his arms around Heeseung's waist and was crying on his chest. 

"What's wrong baby?" Heeseung said slowly. He knew his proposal was accepted the moment Jay didn't leave him after he was done. 

He heard a faint whisper, "I love you too hyung...I love you tooo." 

Heeseung took that as a cue and slowly wrapped his hands around Jay's waist lifting the smaller one in his arms as he swirled, forgetting the fact that the younger members were sleeping (or were they 😉). 

Jay squealed in his arms as he threw back his face and let out a laugh. Heeseung was happy to see his star shining the brightest. 

When he finally put him down, Jay wrapped his hands around Heeseung's neck and pulled him down, connecting their lips in a sweet kiss. 

So ummm 🥺🥺🥺
How was it moonlighters?? Did y'all like it?

Also I am preety much out of requests (I may have forgotten as well 😔😭)
So if you have a request that I didn't do, or a new one, do send them to me 🥺🥺🥺🥺

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