Chapter 11 - This Is a Wonderful Inn

Start from the beginning

"Oh no! He mustn't do that! Last month was, er... I mean, a lot happened. But I can pay it with my job earnings from this month so that's ok. I've already told our teacher." She explains

So that was what that was about.

Thinking about when Tohru was called out of class for a moment. "Sorry to trouble you with it." She says.

"But Tohru you work all the time what was different about last mo-" Shigure was going to finish but all of us except Momiji and Tohru freeze realizing what happened last month.

She spent it all on Valentine's chocolate.

"Where are you going on your school trip?" Momiji questions not clueing into the dark atmosphere that was starting to appear.

"We don't know yet." She replies, smiling. Kyo finally hit his limit and yelled. No words came out, just noise. He pauses his yelling.

"You. Bath. Now." He manages to get out.

"Huh? Okay, I'll go take my bath." Tohru says a little confused but still heads upstairs.

"Good boy. Way to manage your anger." Shigure jokes "She used all her money to make chocolates for all of us."

"Why didn't we catch on?" Yuki wonders.

"We're terrible friends." I mumble lying my head on the table sulking.

"Because she's always smiling to hide her feelings! How are we supposed to know? She should of used the money on clothes or shoes, or her trip deposit. She's an idiot!" Kyo says.

"Hey, you want to know what? We had a class meeting yesterday." Momiji says.


"This one girl brought a book. It was called funny stories. And one of those stories is called 'the most idotic traveler in the world'. There's this periodic traveller who's on a journey. And the idiot in the title is because she was always getting tricked. She gets tricked by the villagers she met each time they swindle her out of money, or clothes, or shoes. But the traveller was done so when they lied and told her she was saving them she started weeping.And she would always tell them I wish you happiness. Eventually her clothes were gone and embarrassed to be seen naked she decided to travel in the words instead there she met the demons of the forest. They wanted to eat her so they deceived her with clever words. As always the traveller was duped and she gave them a leg and arm. In the end she was just a head. She gave the last time in her eyes as a demon jumped on her eyes it said ''thank you here's a gift in return.'' But that was a lie too. It was just a piece of paper with the word idiot on it, a traveller wet though thank you so much she said. "This is the first gift I've ever received. I'm so very happy. Thank you so much" Tears poured out of her eye socket and then the traveller was dead." Momiji tells us, finishing the story. The room was full of silence, not wanting to say anything and not knowing what to say.

"Everyone in the class laughed and called it a dumb story. But I closed my eyes and thought about it. I thought about the traveler who was swindled out of everything but her head, and she still said thank you. And what I decided was 'what a lovely person.' It's a waste of time to think about loss or life getting harder. The traveler never thought about that stuff. Even if other people think that makes her an idiot, I just don't. That's all. I just want to make her happy. " Momiji explains. I felt a few small tears fall down my face. It hurts me thinking about everything Tohru has done for us or anyone else. She did everything for us despite knowing that we were unordinary for turning into animals.

"Yuki, Kyo, Ami so you think she is an idiot after all? What do you think when you close your eyes?" Tohru had always been thinking about others and wanting to help out. When she made the chocolates for everyone. When she would clean the house and make dinner with me. This girl deserves so much more than what she has.

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