second thoughts: ladrien

Start from the beginning

Wait. Ladybug? What was she doing? Surely there couldn't have been another akuma attack??

But instead of zipping away to wherever she was going, she was zipping towards me.

I was so shocked it didn't even register when she flew through my window and landed in my bedroom.

It took me a second to realise that the Ladybug was in my bedroom.

My heart pounded and I stammered and searched for the right words to greet her.

"Um hey Mila- I mean- Ladybug. Uh- how c-can I help you?" Oh my god I sounded like my very good friend Marinette whenever she talked to me.

Ladybug smiled sweetly at me, then motioned for me to come over to the window. She leant against it, quiet for a moment. I couldn't help but notice how beautiful her raven-black hair looked in the moonlight. As usual, it was pulled back into two pigtails. My good friend Marinette also wore her hair like that, maybe she wanted to look like Ladybug.

"Sorry Adrien, I just- well I guess I just needed someone to talk to." she said, sounding a bit breathless, her eyes meeting mine for the first time and her cheeks tinged with pink.

"Um yeah sure! I'm help to happy! I mean, happy to help!" I cursed myself for sounding so lame.

Ladybug giggled and then said, "We've met a few times, right? You seemed like the only one I could talk to this about, well apart from Chat Noir of course."

I furrowed my eyebrows, but she continued, "So you know how, um, Chat Noir and I are partners? Well, he's always been hinting that he wants to be more than that, if you know what I mean." She looked away from me, hiding a blush.

I smiled a bit and responded. "Well, you do look  purrfect."

She giggled again and looked at me, her eyes warming, " Your puns are nearly as bad as his. Nearly. " She sighed again and continued. " It's just that, sure, Chat Noir is cool and stuff but, I like yo- I mean, this other guy and well, I guess I still have to figure out if I like Chat as well."

I stared at her in shock. She had no idea how much her words meant to me. I tried to remain calm, but on the inside my heart was doing backflips. So maybe she did like me after all. Maybe.  Her saying those words made me light up inside, and I couldn't help but smile giddily.

Still, there was the other guy.

I cleared my throat. "So, this other guy, uh, he must be pretty cool to be able to compete with Chat Noir."

Ladybug's cheeks became as red as her costume. "Y-yeah, um, but that's the thing. Sure he might like me as a superhero, but when I'm just a normal person, he barely notices me." She sighed, her eyes turning back to the moon.

I looked at her and only just noticed how sad she looked. Her eyes were glistening and were avoiding mine. "Ladybug, you're an amazing person, and people will see how great you are even without a mask."

She smirked, "If only."

I placed my hand on hers, and she turned to me in surprise. "Meanwhile, why don't you give Chat Noir a chance?"

She laughed, a soft laugh that made my heart ache for me to transform and to tell her how much she meant to me. "I'll think about it. Thanks Adrien."

I'll think about it. Wow, that meant more than she could ever know.

She shuffled nervously, then leant forward suddenly and kissed me quickly on the cheek. My heart stopped, and I could feel a blush crawling its way up into my face. She looked a bit out of breath.

"Uh, thank you?" I mumbled, my hand reaching up to the place where she had kissed me.

And then with a final smile, she leapt away, leaving me alone in my room.

Well apart from Plagg of course. 

"Well well well, I don't think near-strangers kiss each other on the cheek now do they?"

I picked up a pillow and threw it at Plagg. He didn't feel a thing of course, and just flew straight through it. But he got the idea.

I smiled sheepishly and danced around the room, waving my hands in the air in happiness.

"She kissed me, Plagg. She kissed me."

Plagg smirked and said: " on the cheek, you mean."

"Oh, shut up." I said and jumped into bed.

I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the night.

(A/N: as I said before I really don't like ladrien and this is kind of a dull one shot but the next one will be better, its going to be a marichat one heheh)

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