CH. 5 Soaking Wet

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Rosemary's P.O.V

A class in complete chaos was not what I wanted to walk into. Here I was, though. Flashbacks from my first day came rushing back to me. No teacher was at sight. I Wondered if anyone was even going to show up.

The moment I walked into the classroom, Violet sized me up.

"Why do you have a staring problem?" putting her on blast, I sneered.

"Eww! What brings you here?" As if she were going to throw up, Violet made a face.

"You're not familiar with it but education," I remarked.

"I meant why did you show up in handydowns?" She judged my appearance.

Handy-downs? What the heck? This morning, my button down shirt was overly wrinkled but I ironed it. Did I not get every inch of it? Awe! Violet was making me self conscious. I knew to not listen to her but still, I couldn't help it.

"Got it out of your closet," I snorted as I spotted Lola at the back of the classroom.

Paper balls flew across the room, which I dodged. A girl was skipping from desk to desk. Three couples made out in front of everyone. Others minded their own business. Making my way to the back of the room, I reached Lola.

"Do they ever sit down and listen?" I asked her.

Uninterested, Lola shrugged, "Beats me," she couldn't care less. Something in her phone was more important to her.

"Does a class lesson ever get taught?" I threw another question at her. My parents were struggling to pay for my education! This felt like a complete rip off!

"No one needs to learn, if you ask them," Lola stated, doodling in her notebook. "All they care about is drinking, money and popularity," she added, sounding bored. "They're dumbasses!"

A guy came over to us. I think his name was Edgar? The fuckboy. The one that wanted to go into adult film and was already practicing. Once again: eww.

"Mr. Hastings' bed time is early tonight, so we're having a pool party tonight," he informed. "It'd be cool if you guys went," his eyes were glued to me as he invited.

Confused, I asked, "What do you mean that his bed time is early tonight?"

Lola laughed nervously, "Don't ask if you don't want to become an accomplice," she warned.

Oooh, I thought.

Amused, Edgar chuckled, "Just make sure to show up," winking, he walked off.

Nearly drooling, Lola watched him leave. Her eyes sparkled. For someone who appeared to dislike a lot of people in this school, she really seemed to like him. It surprised me but he did not appear to be her type. Him along with the blonde jerk looked like fuckboys.

"You like him, don't you?" I teased.

"Edgar?" She forced herself to turn to me. I nodded. "Absolutely!" She fully on admitted. I almost burst out laughing. She didn't even try to hide it one bit! "He's not like everyone else!" She defended. Skeptically, my eyes squinted. "He acts a certain way but only because of his best friend, Nick, which by the way, is a fuckin' horny asshole!" She blamed it all on him. Yes, that dirty blonde boy was gross but Edgar could make his own decisions.

"Lola, it takes a lot more than that," I stated my thoughts.

"Edgar has been hurt though," she insisted. "He dated a bitch a while back that severely broke his heart," she started to explain. "After that, he started acting out and fucking around," she added. "You don't understand, Rosemary. He was really sweet to her and spoiled her! He never cheated and that girl broke his heart to pieces!" Lola appeared to be getting worked up over it as if it were her own relationship. "Now, he just focuses on soccer, which he loves! He's the captain of the team," she informed. "Of course, he has another side hobby," she referred to the adult films.

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