"JUNGWOO!!!" - Je

Jungwoo got up and ran to where he heard the sound. To his alarm, someone was trying to drag Jeno away from the park. He ran at the man trying to pry Jeno from his arms but he wasn't strong enough to fight the man off.


Lucas had decided to walk home today because the sun was out for the first time in weeks. He was crossing a field when he heard frantic shouts coming from the park. He got closer and saw Jungwoo trying to fight off a man who was dragging a little boy away. He saw Jungwoo fall and he sprinted to where he was. Jungwoo saw Lucas coming and got up running back to the man who had gotten farther from him.

"He's trying to take my brother!" - J

"Not if I can help it!" - L

Lucas charged at the man swinging for any part of his body Jeno wasn't covering. He managed to hit his ribs causing him to drop Jeno and gasp for air. Jungwoo ran towards his now free brother and pulled him into his grasp collapsing to the ground with tears streaming down his face. In front of them, Lucas had managed to scare the man off by throwing one last punch breaking the man's nose. Out of breath and panting, he turned around to find a panicked Jungwoo crying while he held his little brother in his lap. Without hesitation, Lucas walked over to them and sat down pulling them both into his lap.

"It's okay. He's gone and I'm here" - L

Lucas reached out to jungwoos face turning it towards him and he wiped away his tears. He bent forward kissing his forehead and turned to kiss the top of Jenos head. He looked back at Jungwoo, who was staring at him and started to stroke the back of his head, calming him down.

"Let me walk you two home" - L

"Thank you" - J
Lucas got up and reached out to pick Jeno up, and while he held Jeno in one arm he reached with his other to hold Jungwoo's hand. To his surprise Jungwoo didn't rip his hand away or fight back, instead, he let Lucas hold his hand.

They arrived at Jungwoo's house and rather than letting go of Lucas and letting him leave Jungwoo dragged him inside. He led him to Jeno's room and took Jeno from Lucas's arms, placing him in his bed since he was now fast asleep from the events that took place earlier. He kissed Jeno's forehead and got up to leave, dragging Lucas with him, to go to his room.

"You can sit on the bed. I'll be right back" - J

"Okay" - L

Jungwoo left a baffled Lucas sitting on his bed as he went to get an ice pack from the freezer.

"Here. put this on your bruise" - J

"Thank you" - L

Jungwoo hummed in response and sat down next to Lucas, and he began to fiddle with his fingers.

"Thank you for saving my brother. I don't know what I would do if I lost him. " -J

Lucas let go of the ice pack and intertwined his fingers with Jungwoos. He lifted their hands and kissed the back of Jungwoos hand.

"I'd do anything for you" - L

"After today I don't doubt that. But why were you always teasing me before?" - J

"I'm sorry. That was wrong of me and I'd like to start over with you if you'd let me" - L

"Okay" - J

"Really!?!?" - L

"How could I say no? You saved my brother's life. I'm forever grateful for that" - J

"Thank you" - L

"Will you stay the night? My parents are out of town and I don't want to be alone tonight. I can give you clothes for school tomorrow and pajamas." - J

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