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New Orleans? Why would we go there?

I guess that it is their home but why?

"Oh wow, fun" Rebekah says rolling her eyes and she just lays back in her seat.

"Why aren't you excited? I mean isn't it your home?" I ask and she slowly nods.

"Yes it is, but I have way to much history there and there's also this guy-" Rebekah starts but is cut off by and something hitting the car.

A guy? What? I know that we're in a crisis right now but there's a guy? You know what there's no time to think of that right now.

Klaus speeds up the car and Rebekah looks behind us to see a guy on a motorcycle and he has dark hair and has blue eyes and really buff arms.

He looks kinda hot even though he might be the hunter chasing after us right now.

"Is that the hunter?!" Rebekah says looking at Klaus's and Klaus is to busy stepping on the gas trying to ditch the most likely hunter behind us.

But Klaus can't seem to lose him.

Luckily there's no people in cars or any other cars around us so they don't get in our way and this is not suspicious for them to see.

"What do we do!?" I ask and Klaus sighs for a second.

"I don't know! I could try to lose him but I don't think I've will! He can easily track us down again.

Klaus continues speeding down the road and I keep thinking of ideas and solutions until one pops into my head.

"Give me the wheel" I say and Klaus looks at me in the rear view mirror.

"What?" Klaus says confused but still able to keep his eyes on the road.

"Give me the wheel! I have a plan!" I say looking behind us and still seeing the hunter on our tail. And he does not look very happy.

"How is this supposed to work?!" Klaus says after thinking for a minute.

"Just slowly get your body out of the seat but keep your foot on the gas and leave the rest to me!" I say and Klaus nods and keeps his foot pressed down on the gas but starts to move his body away from the seat.

Klaus hets half of his body into the passenger seat and switches feet while I get in the driver seat and take over the wheel and the gas while Klaus gets in the passenger seat fully.

"You wanna play a game hunter? Then let's play" I say and speed over 200 miles per hour then when the motorcycle is far enough away I swerve the car around and start speeding towards the hunter but he keeps going straight forward as well.

"Avery!" Rebekah yells from the back seat but I don't pay attention to her.

Just as me and the hunter were about to crash into each other I turned left into a dirt road and hide the car on a turn that's covered by a wall so he couldn't see us.

"Avery what are you-" Rebekah starts but I cut her off quickly.

"Just trust me Bekah, I have a plan that will buy us some time" I say and I look to both of the Mikaelson's and they both nod as we wait patiently for a minute.

I then started the hear the motorcycle approaching and right as he was about to turn to find us I run right into him and he flies off of his motorcycle and into some rocks and the rocks fall on top of him and it leaves no dent on the car.

"Oh my god... did you kill him?" Rebekah asks slowly and I turn back to her.

"No, because I knew that if I hit him in the right spot, he would've crashed into the rocks over there and they would fall but it would leave a little gap for him, did he maybe get hurt? Maybe but it didn't kill him, and it'll take him a while to get out of that rubble" I say turning to the two Mikaelson's and they both look over at me proudly.

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