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Klaus led me and Rebekah to another room and Rebekah stands next to me standing firm and her eyes burning to Klaus and sticking to Klaus and only Klaus.

"Bekah it's fine" I whisper in her ear as she looks at me but turns back to Klaus as he opens the door to another room and he sits down in a chair and offers for us to sit down wit his hand.

I sit down in a chair across from him and Rebekah sits next to me as Klaus begins speaking.

"I understand that you do not trust me very well Avery, and I want to try and gain your trust" Klaus says and I'm a bit suspicious.

"Why? Why do you need my trust? And why gain it?" I ask and Klaus continues to look at me and Rebekah.

"Because I need your help with something" Klaus says and I'm shocked.

"Why so you can kill my friends? But why me? I'm just a human, I can't do anything" I say and Klaus rolls his eyes when I say the first part.

"Please, if I wanted your friends dead, they would've been dead by the time I arrived in town" Klaus says and I nod as he really would've as soon as he found out Stefan lied to him about Lena and the doppelgänger being alive.

"Okay that might be true, but why me? And what do you possibly need my help with" I say and turn and look at Rebekah and she also looks slightly confused.

"Because, some witches are quite mad at me, a lot actually, and they have a vampire hunter, and well that vampire hunter is after me and I need your help to defeat them" Klaus says and my eyes widen in shock.

"Me? A human, w-why me? Why not another different human or something?" I say panicking a little bit but I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down.

"Because, hunters made a pact to never hurt humans, only vampires or anything that is part vampire, and you're really the only human that won't annoy me to death and that I actually like" Klaus says and I roll my eyes.

"Well I'm happy to be your favorite human, but why not Lena? I mean she might annoy you but I also will or have a witch or wolf come with you to help defend you?" I say naming all the solutions that could be happening right now.

"Because Elena is a doppelgänger, she won't do, and she will always ask me questions and even though the hunters are after vampires, they will not hesitate to kill a witch or wolf, and I do not care if they die, but I will be left alone and no witch or wolf wants to help me" Klaus says and I take a deep breath as I think of this.

There's no other options for me to do. And if I don't do it he'll probably kill Damon or Stefan or Bonnie or even Jeremy, somebody that I care about.

"No! Absolutely not! If you take her with you she will die!" Rebekah says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Trust me Rebekah..." Klaus says standing up to face her.

"No! Last time I trusted you I got daggered in the process of it! I will not put her life in danger for you!" Rebekah shouts at Klaus as he gives her a pleading look.

"Let me talk to you for a second Rebekah, please" Klaus says with pleading eyes as I can tell he just wants my help and I turn to Rebekah.

"Just talk to him, I'll be in here, or even better, I'll be in the living room" I say and walk out and close the door behind me as I walk into the living room.

3rd person POV-

Rebekah looks over at Klaus waiting for him to talk.

"I will not let you put her life in danger to save your own life" Rebekah says crossing her arms over her chest.

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