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No... there's no way me and Rebekah are soulmates?!

We can't be... what about Damon? Stefan? Elena? What the hell are they gonna think if I say Rebekah may possibly be my soulmate?!

No I can't say anything. Who knows how they will react?!

Just then Rebekah walks into the room and slowly walks over to me.

"Are you alright love?" Rebekah asks concerned because I felt like I was about to start crying because of this soulmate thing.

"Um yeah I'm fine, just hate that I have to hide, I don't like to hide in fear" I say hoping she will believe that and she nods slowly but still looks slightly suspicious.

"Alright love... come Stefan is making something for you, let's just hope he doesn't poison you" Rebekah says and I laugh and she does as well.

"Maybe you should go to see if he did poison it" I say sarcastically and she nods.

"Good idea, STEFAN!" Rebekah yells as she walks out of the library and heads to the kitchen and I laugh to myself and smile.

I then shake my head and slap myself.

"Bad Avery!" I scold myself as I grab the  soulmates book real quick and read through the page again.

The page:

Your soulmate will make you happy. If you don't laugh or smile a lot or have to force it most of the time and you see yourself really laughing with a specific person, then they are most likely your soulmate. Soulmates make you happy and make your life feel complete.

I slam the book closed again as I stop reading the page and put it away once again.

"This god damn book is basically describing my dumbass life! God damn it!" I whisper to myself and just shake it off and walk to the kitchen.

"Hello love, I tasted the food to make sure it's not poisonous, it's not" Rebekah says and I can't help but smile at her. No matter how much I tried.

"And what if it was poisonous?" I say curiously.

"Then I would have told you not to eat it and I would've either gotten very sick or I would've died and came back to life" Rebekah says and I laugh and she smiles at me.

"Well if I knew you were gonna try it Rebekah then I would've poisoned it" Stefan says as he puts the dishes away and Rebekah glares at him and I laugh and she turns to me.

"Is that funny? You think that's funny?" Rebekah says approaching me.

"Noooo...." I say slowly then start running away and she chases me and I forget that I'm not supposed to go outside and I open the door until I see a blur in front of me and all of a sudden the door is back to being closed and Rebekah is in front of it leaning on it preparing to keep it closed if people tried to open it.

"Did you forget that your hiding for your life?" Rebekah says and Stefan comes out and checks outside through the windows.

"We're good, there's nobody there" Stefan says and me and Rebekah sigh in relief.

"Sorry... I got carried away" I say and Rebekah laughs as she gets off of the door.

"Well..." Rebekah says and I realize that she's still gonna get me until I run away again and she chases after me and we run into Damon's bedroom.

Once we get et in Damon's bedroom Rebekah gives up and vamps me onto the bed with her hands on my arms on each side of my body pinning me down onto the bed with her on top of me.

We sit there in silence as we stare at each other.

All of a sudden I see Rebekah's vampire face come out as her black veins pulse her eyes and she stares down at my neck as she looks like she's in a trance.

"Rebekah! Your eyes..." I say and Rebekah then comes back to reality and immediately gets off me and goes to look at the mirror and relaxes as her eyes go back to normal.

"Avery... I'm so sorry I don't know what happened I lost control I'm so sorry please don't be scared of me" Rebekah says and I grab her shoulders and we face each other.

"Rebekah... I'm not scared of you... Damon was very very close to feeding on me when he first found me until Stefan pulled him off and somehow me and Damon became best friends" I say and laugh thinking back to our memories and Rebekah smiles.

"I really don't want to scare you away, your the only... friend... that I really have" Rebekah says and a part of me feels heart broken that she called me her friend.

"I'll never be scared of you, Rebekah" I say giving her a reassuring smile.

"Thank god" Rebekah says letting out a sigh of relief and we both laugh.

"You guys alright?!" I hear Stefan yell from downstairs.

"Yeah! We're coming down!" I yell from the room and me and Rebekah then leave the room and go downstairs and I sit down and start eating the food that Stefan made earlier.

-10 minutes later-

Me and Rebekah are on the couch and Stefan is writing in his diary on his desk across the room.

"Why do you always write in your diary Stefan? Your so boring" Rebekah says and I glare at her.

"Hey I write in a diary!" I say and Rebekah looks over at me.

"Well your not boring, Stefan and your sister are though" Rebekah says and I laugh and Stefan just glares at both of us.

Stefan then gets up to go to his room to write in peace.

"Hey Stef! Come on! Stef-" I start but am soon cut off by shooting guns going through the door and Rebekah vamps me to the ground and Stefan runs back down the stairs.

We look up to see the fire busted open and we see the same men with the vampire torture killing weapons.

"Give us the girl... and you'll live" The men say and Rebekah pulls me behind her with her hand wrapped around my waist protectively.

"Why do you want her?" Stefan asks trying to make peace as always.

"Klaus needs her"

Whoopsies, double update tonight, might make another one cause I'm so into this and I still got time left before I need to go to bed 🥲 anyways hope you guys are enjoying and having a good day or night!

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