Chapter 10

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POV: Raylen (Ranboo)

Time: 2:23 a.m.

I'll be honest, hanging out with Quinn has been kind of like an escape from expectations. Life as a streamer is amazing but with it comes a ton of things that are expected of you, whether it's how you act or even just how you dress.

I try my best but sometimes it just gets overwhelming. Why am I even thinking this at 2 a.m.? This isn't supposed to be the time for intrusive thoughts. I lay my head back against my pillow and look up st my ceiling. Nothing like a good time staring at a ceiling, nah yeah it's great and awesome and just wonderful.

I hate it.

I sigh and close my eyes, "Why this early?" My phone starts buzzing and I slowly open my eyes. Honestly, if this is a scam call. I'm answering it, no questioning it. I lean over to where my phone is and unplug it from the charger. I face the phone towards me and instantly get blinded. Tall about looking at the sun.

Frog Hater

            answer                          decline

And now is my time to ask. Why the hell is she up? I answer the phone and hear faint sobs come from the other side. As I hear this I sit up in my bed and get worried. "Quinn?" I say quietly. "S-Shit, I'm sorry I d-didn't mean t-to wake you.." She says in between her sobs.

"Hey that doesn't matter, what's wrong?" I ask her with worry lacing my words. "I-It's nothing j-just a text m-message I got." A text?  What had it said? Should I ask? Would she upset? A few thoughts come to mind as I think of what it could've possibly said.

"What did it say? I-If you don't mind me asking, that is.." I mutter, trying to not sound, well, rude. She pauses but soon responds, "I-It was from m-my mom.. S-She told m-me that.." She pauses, oh god, please for the love of god don't tell me someone died. "Sorry.." She whispers, "She t-told me that my f-friend came over t-to her house t-today."

Her friend? Wait does she not live with her parents? She said "her house", does she live alone?  My mind was swirling with infinite questions, questions I wanted answered right then and there, but I couldn't ask them. Wrong timing.

Maybe this is why god decides to stay up there, cause he is also afraid of what he made. Too many questions.



hiya, how are you all today?

sorry for the short chapter I've just had sort of a writer's block. couldnt think of anything to write for continuing it

but I'll try to publish a longer chapter next time, till then, cya guys!

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