Chapter 5

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Time: 4:12 A.M.

Why did I accept the bet, I'm not going to give him my number. I could've just said no then walked off, but of course I had to accept it. Just strike me down God, I'd rather deal with that than this..

Time: 5:31 A.M.

I think I'm losing my mind. I haven't even slept at all.

Time: 6:00 A.M.

*beep beep beep beep*

I reach over and turn off my alarm while sluggishly sitting up. What a way to waste what could've been a good night's rest..
I walk over to my closet lazily picking out an outfit and go do my regular routine, except probably much slower...

Time: 7:01 A.M.

I walk down the hall looking for my class when a very familiar figure walks up to me. "Well goodmorning Quinn.." Wonderful, just the person I've 100% wanted to talk to this early in the morning.

"What do you want Nathan, I'm kind of busy right now." I sigh while looking into his deep green eyes. Almost like being in the middle of a jungle.

(A/N: how many of you guys thought it was gonna be Ranboo?)

"Nothing much, just wondering why someone like you would have to be walking alone to their class.." He says rather, creepily... "It's none of your business, do me a favor. Go fuck yourself."

He seemed quite taken aback as I said that, now that is something to remember. I continue walking but turn around to flip him off as continue down the hallway.

While avoiding the huge crowd of students I walk to my class until I see the person I dreaded of seeing today. Raylen. Nono, stop looking at him. What if he noticed I was staring..? Does that mean I already lost the bet?!

(A/N: for those sho guessed it then congrats 5 stars)

I can already feel his presence getting closer. Not even needing to look at him I can tell he's now right next to me. "Hey Quinn..! You ready to lose?" He asks rather smugly. "Am I just not allowed to look at your face?"

"Uhh, yea sure we can go with that. Not going to help you much though, so why not just go ahead and give me your number now?" I can just hear the wide grin he has on his face, thinking about how I'm going to "lose", with what's being wagered I would rather die than lose this bet.

"Quite an ego you got there, but I won't be losing that easily.. bastard..."  The last part not even supposed to be audible to anyone else. "Hmm? Wanna repeat that last bit again?" He asks while moving his head to look at me.

Jesus Christ does he have superhuman hearing..? It was barely even considered audible. "What are you talking about?" I pause trying to come up with an excuse to leave.

"If you'll excuse me, I have to go to class now. See you never." And with that I walk away not even waiting to hear what he said.



hi guys how r y'all?

sorry for the short chapter I'm not feeling very well. blame my table mate at school. turns out he was sick and didnt show up today

maybe shorter chapters..? probably not slower updates but just shorter chapters

really sorry about this guys, I wanna write longer chapters but I'm getting tired quicker so I might fall asleep writing
(I write at night, very rarely during the day)

words of the day:

dont be scared to show who you want to be, you're valid either way, if someone says that you're not and that it's weird

then they're weird for caring about who you want to be then just immediately turn you down
(kinda shit of a person ngl)

just be you
cause nobody else can

thanks for reading, have a great day/afternoon/night

good morning/afternoon/night!

dont forget to drink water and eat!

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