Ch. 8 - 影悪意

Start from the beginning

Gojo left you alone but you had decided to get out anyway with the water now cool. You slipped on his boxers that nearly came down to your knees. When you slipped on his tee shirt it, too, went all the way down your body like a dress. 
You used your fingers in an attempt to brush out your wet hair and exited the bathroom to find Gojo on the couch once more. Rattling came from a nearby closet, signaling that was where the washer and dryer were. He glanced over to you in the distance as you stood in the hallway. A smile grew on his face, you wearing his shirt brought him joy - another something he wasn't used to. Usually after a one night stand he'd boot the chick out, not offering her any type of courtesy...but were different

You walked into the living area, nearly ignoring his presence as he stared, and exited onto the balcony. The view was gorgeous, it practically lured you in. Gojo was a man for a good view. You looked below at the busy people in the streets, enjoying their Friday night. The lights of the nearby buildings and advertisements twinkled, your eyes traveling about in near overstimulation. 
You began to smell the scent of burning ash and female perfume...which could only mean one thing.
Suddenly, you felt a presence next to you...a dark, shadow-like presence sitting on the balcony next to you. It drifted in with the wind, forming into the human shape you recognized almost immediately.

"Y/N," her voice was low, seductive as always. Your head immediately whipped in her direction and then behind you to see if Gojo was still sitting on the sofa - of course he wasn't.
Her jet black hair cascaded down her shoulders near her waist, dressed in a black leotard and long haori that draped all the way down to her thigh-high heeled boots. One of her legs crossed over the other as she sat precariously on the edge of the railing, the leg atop the other wagging casually. Her facial expression was that of someone scheming and prideful.

"Akui," you took a step back from the ledge and balled your fists up.

"You really thought I wouldn't find you here," she chuckled, "Tokyo...of all places. Of course I'd check the sister school. Unfortunately when I got there, the scent of you was there...but not you. I had to follow your scent all the way here and with Satoru Gojo of all people," she crossed her arms with a sly smile. 

"What do you want, traitor?" You hissed, staring at her through a hostile brow. She looked toward the sky briefly as if thinking about something.

"Oh, don't play stupid, Y/N...what did you expect? You cut me off... You should have known that I'd only come back to haunt you. I am a shadow after all."

"Y/N?" Gojo suddenly appeared, standing at the sliding glass door. He glanced at you and then quickly moved his focus to Kage, an infamously known sorcerer who was on the program's shit list, a most wanted. She was expelled from the Kyoto school after the events of December 24th when her alliances were displayed for the administrators to see. "Akui Kage..."

AN: Inspired by Slumber Party - Ashnikko

"Satoru," she greeted with a slick grin, showing her teeth. 

"Y/ need to get inside," he warned as if he couldn't put two and two together. Kage began giggling which slowly erupted into louder laughter. Gojo pushed his brow together angrily. 

"Oh Satoru, the only reason I'm here is for her," she shook her head and then cocked it to the side as if to tease the sorcerer. Gojo glanced at you in confusion. "She's great, isn't she? An absolute goddess in the sack...the sounds she delicious..." Kage lifted her eyebrows, licking her lips. 

She then hopped off of the railing and slowly walked to you, grabbing your jaw with her long nails. She lifted your chin up as if to inspect you, quickly noticing the hickey on your neck. Gojo watched you both carefully. She leaned toward your neck, trailing her serpent-like tongue up the side of it until she reached your mouth. Your body was shaking, completely frozen in fear - memories of how she left you flooded your brain. 

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