"I'm done," I say and walk upstairs. She doesn't say anything either. I slump on my bed and grab my phone from my pocket. I've been stressed a lot lately.

Normally, I'd go over to Jenny's to let off some steam. But I've been such a jerk to her. I won't blame myself - What better way can I hide feelings I'm draining all my strength to restrain?

In the absence of sanity, I fall asleep.


"Mum," I whisper as I knock on her door. "Mum please open up," I continue. "Mum?"

"Mum, I know what I said probably hurt you but I'm sorry. I swear," I say, my cheek to her door as I wait for a reply.

"Mum please open up," I continue, hoping she'd forget what I'd say earlier already.

I don't hear anything. Suddenly, I hear noises downstairs. I rush down immediately, missing three steps through my flight as I rush outside the house, where the noise comes from.

"George, stop!"

"Mum?" I call out, searching for where the noise is coming from. "Mum?" I call out once again, walking out the gate and I stare at Mum with both hands tied and a belt in his hand.

"Mum, what the heck is the meaning of this?" I ask, trying to stifle my angry tone which clashes with her dreary wet eyes pouring steams of boiling tears with her forehead creased with sweat.

"Get your hands off her!" I yell at George and hear Mum scream loudly. I push him to the floor with a punch and Mum's screams increase in volume.

"Noah, let him go!" she cries out. This has got to be a joke because I'm trying so hard to not see the humour.

"He deserves to die," I retort, launching towards him once again and this time, he breaks my nose with a heavy punch. I can feel the blood roll down my lips and I stare at Mum screaming at me. It hurts to see her hurt over a person who doesn't care if she's hurt. It's pathetic.

"I swear I'm killing you tonight!" comes his husky voice and a strong grip on the collar of my shirt. He clutches my neck tightly and suddenly, I'm gasping for air. I feel pain and the urge to breathe but I can hardly keep my eyes open. I feel my eyes closing in on me and I try my best to get his hands off me.

I fall to the floor, holding my neck and massaging it with both hands, trying to take in the fact that this man just attempted murder. On me.

I look to the floor and see blood gushing from his head. I look up to see Mum and in her hand is a wood, dripping blood. "Mum!" I yell and run to her. I grab her tightly in my arms and hug her.

"Noah, I'm sorry," she says, tears evident in her tone. We drift and they slide down her eyes freely. I swipe them away with my fingers and she smiles.

"No, Mum. I'm the sorry one. I shouldn't have said those words to you earlier and - "

"It's fine, Noah. They hurt 'cause they were true," she tells and I nod with a smile. Thank heavens she's finally back to her senses.

I bend down and place a hand on George's neck. "He's still alive. Just unconscious," I tell Mum and she has this expressionless look on. "Let's back inside. He'll come around," I tell Mum and grab her hand, leading her inside. It's sad even after all he's done, she passes him a last glance and I can tell she's yearning to get him off that floor. I won't allow her.

I lock the gates and we sit on the couch in the parlour. I grab some ice from the freezer and massage her reddened wrists with it. The TV has the news on but I doubt she's even interested.

"Mum?" I call out.

"Yes?" she replies, looking at me beside her. "What happened?" she continues and I shrug.

"If... George gets conscious, would he still live here?" I ask and wait for her reply. First, she shrugs.

"Where else? It's - "

"We should sue him," I speak in annoyance, dumping the ice on the sofa and standing up instantly.

"Noah - "

"No, Mum. Enough is enough!"

"Noah, it hasn't gotten to this," she says and I can't even believe my ears anymore.

"Mum, it's gotten past this. What the heck of you mean? I should've been killed this night. And what would he say about it? Probably tie a rope around my neck and say I committed suicide and you'd probably be threatened to cooperate. Mum, why are we living like this?" I ask and she heaves a deep sigh.

"I'm calling the lawyer tomorrow. This nonsense has got to end," I say but she doesn't reply. "Good night, Mum," I whisper and place a kiss on her cheek. I head upstairs to my room.

I lay on my bed after turning off the lights and the first thing on my mind is her face.

"Jenny, your room looks a mess!" I say as I walk into her room. She looks up at me with a smile and I shake my head. "I'm actually being serious. It's messy in here and I can barely believe you sleep here," I say, staring around.

Clothes on the floor, pizza boxes on the table and glasses and cups, grocery bags littered, squeezed papers and her chair is literally upside down. I can still see the leftover Chinese food on her side table.

"You should clean this place up," I continue but she doesn't speak anymore. "Jennifer?" I call out but she doesn't answer. She just keeps scrolling through her phone. "Oh, you're ignoring me?" I ask and she looks up with a pout.

"When you're done criticizing, we can talk!" she says dramatically and I sigh.

"I'm just saying... You should keep your own room tidy," I tell and she hisses. "Look around. I can't even spend a minute here," I continue and watch her glare at me.

"Fine. If you don't want me here, I'm going," I say and turn to go. I open the door but she doesn't stop me. Still shocked, I walk out and head towards the stairs.


I smile. And turn. "Yes?" I say without a hint of concern in my tone. "I'm actually busy and I need to - "

"Don't give me that tone, Noah. I'm sorry," she says and I chuckle. That sorry sounded so reluctant. "What?" she asks with a pout and I smile subtly.

"Will you clean up your room?" I ask as I walk towards her. She shrugs.

"Mmm... If you stay," she says in a whisper, her head bent to her chest. I chuckle once again and place a kiss on her lips.

"Fine," I reply and she heads into the room once again. I sit on her table and grab her phone beside me.

"Hmm, recipes. I'm glad you're finally taking my eating healthy advice," I tell with a smile and she shrugs, folding the clothes off the floor.

"Oh well," she says with a sigh.

She suddenly stops and I stare at her. She grabs a photo from the floor. It's an old framed one of her family. I jump down the table immediately and get it off her hands but I'm late, given the tears that form in her eyes.

"You're fine," I say and grab her in for a hug. "It's the past," I continue.

"Thanks," she says and we don't drift.

I jerk up at the sound of my phone ringing on the bed. It's Ivy. I stand up from my bed and take in a deep breath. She's stuck to my mind like glue against paper.

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