Chapter Two

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Raven twiddled her thumbs as they arrived at the station. Ron on her one side with Molly on the other both had their arms wrapped around her arms holding her up in case her heels dug into the pavement, which had happened last year.

Last year as soon as they went through the platform her heels dug into the ground and it took her father and her eldest sibling Bill who usually came to drop her off to get her to move and help her on the train. As they approached the platform Molly took a small potion bottle out of her purse and handed it to her daughter. It was a calming potion that she takes when she's on the train ride to Hogwarts. As much as she felt for her daughter she needed an education and home schooling simply wasn't an option.

They all stopped in their tracks beside her other siblings who were already saying goodbye to their parents as Raven tipped the bitter liquid into her mouth. She instantly felt a little better but unfortunately the side effect from this potion is it made her a little sleepy.

"Okay Ron get your sister on the train." Molly said giving both of her children a kiss. Only Ron and Harry waited to Raven to take her potion. They all kissed their mother goodbye before Harry slipped his arms under Raven and helped her through the platform. Ravens stomach twisted as she saw the giant train. But Harry and Ron knew what to do and hurried her onto the train. They always got on first and sat at the very back of the train so that no one had to go pass her to get too their seats.

"So Harry will you to joining our classes this year?" Raven said as she looked at her friend infront of her. He smiled. "I'll try birdy but who knows what dumbledor will do this year. I hope I can. It would make this year so fun." Harry said reaching for her hand. Her cheeks blushed a lot as she hide her head into Ron's shoulder. She was very fond of Harry Potter. He took the extra time to check up on her and made sure she was okay. It wasn't just because she was Ron's sister. He felt for her as he got bullied quit a lot.

Birdy was the nick name her parents gave her when she was young and it was the only nickname that she enjoyed, especially when Harry used it. The whole train ride there they all joked together. Even their other siblings came back to talk and hang out with them. As the train slowed down she gripped to her potion that she had to calm down herself. But this was her last one and she would need to go to her head of house to get approved for more.

Ron and Harry held her arms as they got off of the train very last. What they didn't expect was Hagrid waiting for them as they got off. "Hey there Raven." He called. Even around hagrid she still felt anxious. His size is what scared her the most. "Hey hagrid." Harry spoke smiling at his friend. "Head master is waiting for you Raven in his office. Did you want-" she cut him off right away. "Yes they can come." She spoke really fast that made them all giggle. "We'll come on." He said leading them to the boats. Raven tried not to be anxious as they road the boat. She knew dumbledummy would want to talk with her.

Walking through the castle she was tempted to take her potion but she didn't want to take it until she knew she would have more. "Come on hes waiting for ya upstairs." Hagrid said as he stopped at the stairs heading to dumbledors office. Ron thanked him before they started to walk up the stairs.

As they got to the top ravens heels dug into the floor. She didn't mean too just she got anxious. "It's okay Raven it's just albus." Harry said trying to calm her down. Her cheeks headed up again. Harry talking into her ear was enough to calm her down as they made their way to his desk. He stood there smiling.

Raven hated him. Raven hated him more then she hated Draco Malfoy. He was often cruel in the way he addressed her mental illness. And tried to ignore it for the most part.

"Raven, Ron, Harry. It's so good to see you again this year. How was your summer?" He asked them. Only Harry was the one to speak up. "It was good professor. How was yours?" Harry asked him smiling back at him.

"So Raven as this is your fifth year and your grades have been the most incredible so far, I would like to offer you self pace learning this year. It's something I and the governors of Hogwarts have thought about all year. It would give you the chase to learn by yourself with teacher of course there to Suport you. It would also include little to no classroom time." Ravens smile lit up so brightly. Something she didn't do very often. Self pace meant that she could do two years of teaching in one and be out of the school as soon as possible. She screamed with excitement. Ron and Harry both have her a smile as well.

"I'm taking that as a yes. So starting today you will report to your head of house to get your assignments." She smiled even larger. Professor Snape is her head of house and she adored the old bat. "This is great news. You won't regret it professor." She said standing up with her brother and her best friend beside her. "I know I won't. Now, go get ready for the diner." He said but Raven looked down at her hands. All of her excitement went out the window.

Albus saw this, and felt for her. So instead he reached into his desk getting out a piece of paper. "Here. Don't tell anyone I let you skip it." He said handed her a exsempment form. She smiled at the professor who is usually cruel and thanked him again. "But Ron and Harry I expect you guys there." He said. They both sighed, thy Much rather go with Raven then go down to the great hall.

They left the head masters office. Raven was so excited and couldn't wait to see her favourite professor.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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