"What happened!" Jace ran from the bathroom in our room. I heard him open the bedroom door, "Justin! Justin? Esme? Guys?" I heard him rummaging downstairs as he looked around. What is going on? "Justin! Esme!" he yelled once more, "Kai? Rowan?" 

"Why are you yelling?" Grace walked out of her room, "what's going on?" Jace rushed back up the stairs. 

"Get in here," he walked into our room and shut the door, "stay here. Okay?" 

"Where are you going?" she asked, "don't leave me here. Please don't go." 

"I'll be right back," he assured her, "I'm only going downstairs." 

"Where did they go?" she asked more, "where is everyone?" 

"I don't know," he sighed, "just stay here. Alright? I'll be right back." Jace don't go. Don't be the hero right now.

"Please!" Grace cried out, "Jace please don't go! What happens if they take you.. and Kira? Please." At this point she was bawling. I could feel the energy radiating off of her, pure sadness and fear. 

"Okay," he whispered, "alright. I'll stay. Get up there with her." I heard the door lock and he walked over by the windows. A weight lifted off my shoulders. "Where the hell did they go," he sighed, "what the fuck happened." It's Cassie and Falco no doubt... it has to be. I need to move. I need to get up. Come on Kira, stop being so, so useless! Get up! "Wait is that... is that a trail?" he said, "what the hell..." Suddenly the door opened again and Jace walked out. 

"No!" Grace yelled. It's okay, he'll be back. Wait. Can I link with her? Can I mind link with them? I started to try only to feel a sharp pain in my head. I guess that's a no. My world started to spin and I was able to open my eyes again. Unfortunately I was in front of golden gates and not sitting in my room. I saw a bright light come down from the sky and Jazz appeared in front of me. She walked to the gates, opening them and standing in front of me. 

"Well what have you gotten yourself into?" she asked. 

"Falco!" I growled, "and Cassie! They took me!" 

"I saw what they did," she nodded as she knelt in front of me, "I also see that not only do you have a sister but you also have a brother. Which is why I have sent her back for your sister and brother." 

"What!" I snapped, "why would you do that!"

"You lied to me Kira," she stood, "and now people are going to pay the price."

"What?" I asked, "What do you mean pay the price?" 

"You'll see," she smiled, "be-"

"What happened to we're on the same side?" I asked her, "why are you doing this? Why? Are you controlling me too? Is that why I can't move down there!"

"I'll see you soon," she swayed her hand and like that I was back in bed, unable to move, unable to even open my damn eyes. Kira you have to move. People need you, they need you. You have to get up. Come on! Stop being a sack of shit and move! I felt my heart start to race and my entire body started to tense up. I felt my face starting to get hot the more I focused. 

"Kira?" Grace asked, "wh- what are you- Kira? Kira!" I shot up and let out a roar like no other. The windows shook and soon shattered into hundreds of pieces. The bulbs in the light fixture popped and all I could hear was her screaming. I stopped and I could open my eyes again, I could move my arms and my legs, I could talk. I knelt down quickly and wrapped her in my arms. 

"I'm sorry," I shook my head as I tried to comfort her, "I didn't-

"Kira!" I heard Jace run into the house downstairs and start towards our room, "Kira!" He burst through the door and I ran to him, wrapping my arms tightly around him. "You're okay?" he hugged me tightly as we fell backwards onto the bed, "I mean are you okay?" He quickly stood up and I couldn't help but laugh. 

"I'm okay," I nodded, "I think I'm okay."

"What happened?" he looked around, "I mean, I- I heard you but all of this," he spun, "from you?" I nodded my head. I felt horrible but at the same time I felt powerful.

"Where did they go?" I asked. 

"You knew?" he questioned, "how did you know?" 

"I've been able to hear you," I nodded my head, "I could hear everything but I couldn't move, I couldn't talk, I couldn't even make facial expressions... it was horrible. I was honestly worried for a minute. I just got done talking to Jazz." 

"Really?" he asked, "What did she say? Anything about them?" 

"Actually yeah," I sighed worriedly, "it's Falco... and Cassie. I knew that already somehow, but she verified it. She said I lied to her... so people are going to pay. She knows Kai is my brother, Esme's twin. She knows everything. She said she knew everything they did to me when they had me... she knew and she didn't do anything. She- she didn't stop it. Because I lied about Kai..." 

"You were right to do so," he pressed his lips against mine, "this was either going to happen when she asked or now. I'd prefer it be now because we'll have him on our side. Are you hungry? Can I get you anything?" 

"No," I shook my head and stood up, "we have to find them. There's no time." 

"Then we make time," he grabbed my hands, "you just woke up my love. Please, lets not push it. Come on, we can go get something to eat and then we can go do whatever you want. Alright?" I looked at him for a couple seconds before agreeing. We walked downstairs, Grace followed us. He opened the fridge and tossed a few blood bags to me. I immediately started to drink them and oh how they tasted SO GOOD. I was starving. "Grace you hungry?" he asked. 

"No," she shook her head while looking at her hands, "I'm okay. Thanks though." I finished the first one and started on the second, then my third, and fourth and fifth and sixth...

"Okay," I burped, "come on." I stood up and turned to face Grace, "we'll be back. Okay?" 

"I'm coming with you," she shook her head while grabbing on to my hand, "I'm not staying here." I looked at her for a few seconds before breaking and allowing her to tag along. It was dangerous, I admit that but no way she was going to agree to stay here alone. I put on shoes and the three of us walked out of the house. 

"Come on this way," Jace grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers, "I'll show you where it ends."

"It just stops?" I asked, "really?" He nodded his head and we made our way through the woods. We followed a blue trail... it looked fake, too whimsical. The trail came to an end abruptly, randomly. I looked around and listened carefully. I heard distant cries. "Do you hear that?" I looked at him, "listen..."

The cries continued but I couldn't tell where they were coming from. I couldn't tell if it was right, left... behind or in front... above or under. 

"I hear them," Grace started turning in circles and then looked at her feet, "are they... how would they... no. Are they under us?" That doesn't make sense. Why would they be under us? How could they be under us? I have to try it... I'm nervous to try it. Doing it right now could fuck my entire body up... I could hurt them couldn't I? I don't know what else to do. I can't risk something happening to them but I can't risk something happening to the others. 

"No," I shook my head, "hey okay, I need you guys to listen to me. Get in the house. Stay there." 

"What?" Jace turned and looked at me, "are you crazy? Absolutely not. I'm not leaving you alone. No way." 

"I can't risk losing you," I shook my head, "or you, Grace. I can't." 

"You won't lose us," he shook his head, "I can promise it to you. You aren't going to lose me, you won't lose Grace. We aren't losing anyone. Okay?" I nodded my head and he pulled me to him, wrapping his arms around me. "Come on, we can do this," he nodded his head, "you can do this. Do what you have to do." I looked up at him and nodded my head. 

Okay. I can do this.

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