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I was in my exam week sorry for the late update </3


Taehyun's POV

We arrived at God knows where we are right now. I'm walking with Beomgyu hyung with my eyes close. "Where are we going hyung?", I ask in confusion. "I already told you Hyunnie. We are going somewhere", he answers while laughing. "Gyu I swear if I bump into something or I fall, you will be in a big trouble", I say sternly.

"We here baby", he whispers into my ear and remove his hands from my eyes. It didn't take me too long to adjust the brightness since it's kind of dark here. I move my gaze forward and I was stunned. "Gyu", I call him softly while walking to the mattress in front of me. I stop and look around. It's like we are in a park, infront of me was a lake, and the sky is full of stars. On the other side of the lake, It looks like a forest. But it still look so perfect. I turn my head facing Beomgyu. "Gyu..."

Beomgyu's POV

I look at him when he calls me. I was preparing the foods and drinks on the mattress. "Come sit here Hyun", I tell him softly. He sit in front of me and looks at me with glittery eyes. "Hey, what's wrong?", before I could ask him other questions, he hug me. He was quietly sobbing in my chest. I caress his back softly and smile. "Babe, if you keep hiding like this then you will miss the scenery" . He looks up at me, the moon is helping me to see his face. He looks so angelic.

"It's beautiful Gyu. I love it", he says and continue to look around. This park has a special place where you can come and look at the stars with your love once. It's not so public here so it is perfect for a date. It's almost past 20 minutes and Taehyun still observing the scenery around us. "Tae I know how much you like the scenery but I guess you have forgotten me here", I whine and sulk. "Owhh I'm sorry Gyu. It just- beautiful", he says softly. I move my face to his and peck his cheek. "You are beautiful too don't you think?" . He looks at me and smiles sadly. "I'm not Gyu. I'm not beautiful-", he didn't give me the chance to do anything. He cried and after that I quickly hug him. "Why are you crying? Hey hey, you're pretty. You're beautiful, perfect, angelic, strong and most important, you are mine. Why you need to say things like that when I'm already here loving you as much as I can hm? I love every inch of you. All the things about you, your face, your sassiness", he laugh and hit my chest softly with his small hand. "Aww, okay that hurts. Hahaha (soft chuckles lol). I like everything about you that I know about or I didn't know yet. I will always be here for you, Kang Taehyun. You are stuck here with me", I say to him before claiming his lips.

I could feel the salinity of the tears, I can feel he is smiling while we share a passionate kiss, I open my eyes just to be meet with his close one. I know he loves me the way I love him. He has to feel the same way. Because I'm not hesitate to kill anyone who will touch him or hurt him. I will kill them. Even they are his parents.

We are eating our- more like a dinner- while talking about random stuffs. I know that his parents hates him because he was a gay. He is gay he told me. Well duh, then what are we if he isn't a gay? Friends? Well, what I know friend doesn't know how you taste, right? He once have a sister but she died because of a suicide. He doesn't know that his sister would left him alone like this. He suffers to much. His parents also didn't care about him like bro- they didn't even make a police report about Taehyun been missing the f? Good thing the one who's keeping Taehyun is me. They can trust me but I dont trust them.

While we are leaning on the mattress and talk about the stars in the sky, Taehyun looks at me and ask, "What about you Gyu? What about your life stories back then?". That really caught me off guard. I dont know if Taehyun could handle my past. More like handles me. If he knows what I capable to do, will he leave me?

"You sure you want to know?", I ask him hesitate. I dont want to keep everything about me as a secret. If only I can read his mind, I would tell him if his okay with it. "It's okay Gyu you can trust me. I trust you". I sigh and sit up facing him. I let out my pinky finger and ask him, "Promise you wont hate me and leave me?" . He looks at my pinky and giggles, "I promise".

"I never dream of being like this. I mean.. the way I would become. My parents are a very high ranking people. They really are known because of their kindness and respectful. They love me yes, but they didn't tell about me to anyone. The people who knows me only the people you are talking with in my house. They did that because they felt embarrassed to have a child like me. I'm not that clever, I always failed my exam and test, I'm a gay, even they say that they like me but they never did", I say while looking at him with a sad smile. Shit, I never open up to anyone other than my friends. "Where are they now Gyu?", he ask me softly. I was hesitate to tell him. What if he knows? "T-they died" . It is quiet for a while before I feel hands around my waist. "I'm sorry Gyu its okay", he comforts me. I feel so loved, no one ever treat me like this. Giving all their attention to me. Give the love that I deserved. But, "but-". He breaks the hugs and looks at me confused. He slid his hands down to hold mine. "But?" , "They start to hit me and torture me. They did that after they found out I'm with my crush, going on a date. They killed him. I thought they're just fine when I told them that I was a gay but- th-they hate me", I say while looking down. Yes, I'm sad right know but mostly happy because both of them are dead now.

I look up and saw Taehyun's eyes wide open while looking at me. Shit, I think I tell him a little bit too much information. "T-they killed h-him?", he stutters. "Hey, hey its okay they're not here anyways", I try to comfort him. "How they died?", he ask me. I didn't expect that question. What should I answer? Should I trust him about the promise we made earlier? Should I lie? But if I lie, he will found out later and things will be more complicated. "I-I.." , "You what Gyu?", he ask me. His hands squeezing my hands a little more harder like he is forcing me to tell him.

"Did you killed them Beomgyu?", my eyes shot open looking at him after I hear what he says. Fuck.

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