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 Why there are so many fruity scenes? Not that im complaining tho :/


Taehyun's POV

I woke up to a big bear beside me. 'Why he looks so big yet cute while sleeping?', I thought to myself before trying to free myself from his grip. Oh my God it so hard. After struggling so bad I finally been set free with a groan from Beomgyu. Well sorry Gyu I need to shower (eyes roll). I got in his walk-in wardrobe to find something to wear. "Hmm everything looks so comfy here" . My eyes are lingering around the wardrobe and it lands on a pair of sweat pant and a shirt. I grab them and walk out. I grab my towel and walk towards the bathroom. Before I can turn around to close the door, two pair of hands are on my waist and I hear the door shut. "You suppose to wake me up prince", Beomgyu says with his raspy voice. 

I wear my clothes that I choose earlier. Beomgyu saw it and smirk. "What now?", I ask him annoyed but somehow I feel excited. "How can someone be this beautiful? You are a whole snack!", he says and spank my butt. "GYU! It hurts!", I shout and make an annoyed face and of course I didn't forget to roll my eyes. He looks at me and his next sentence makes me jump excitedly. "Are you serious?! Of course I want to go to your office!", I jump up and down. He chuckles at me and we walk to the dining room to eat our breakfast.

At Choi's Enterprise <3

Beomgyu's POV

"Gyu I'm bored", play with me. My eyes shot open after hearing that. I look at him with a smirk on my face. I put down my pen and look at him. "You want to play? Come here", I direct him. He walks slowly towards me and sit on my table in front of me. "Lets play a game where you have to close your eyes and guess what are you holding", I say while stroking his thigh softly. He was brushing his thigh together with his face flushing red. "Do you want to play it with me?", and before I can hear his answer someone is knocking on the door.

"A fucking cock blocker", I whisper and told them to come in. I saw Yeonjun peeking through the door and smiles. "What?", I ask him annoyed. "Beomgyu, we got all the information about them. I think we can start our plan B", he says while standing behind Taehyun. Since Taehyun is still sitting on my table so his back is facing Yeonjun. I slide my hands in Taehyun's shirt. He gasps but didn't do anything about it so I just keep going. "I'll let you know when the meeting will start", I tell him and he left the room. "Now let's continue shall we?"

Lunch time HAHAHA ^^

I  bring Taehyun to my favourite restaurant. We ordered some foods and drinks. While waiting, I look at Taehyun who is busy watching the environment. 'So he likes scenery huh?' . I hold his hand and he looks at me. "Want to go on a date with me tonight?" . After I say that his face lit up with his bright smile. He nods his head aggressively. "Cute", I pinch his cheeks softly, dont want to hurt him. After that we eat our food that have just been served a while ago. 


"Taehyun hurry up!", since I gave permission for Soobin and Huening to help Taehyun get ready, they really do be taking their time. "Relax Beomgyu", Yeonjun hyung says and laugh a little. "Yahh, its easy for you since you've been dating Soobin hyung for a long time", I say to him with a glare. "It's not my fault that no one wants you, right?", he says while chuckles. "Haha. It's me who doesn't want them", I protests. "Yeah, yeah. You win", Yeonjun hyung say while he wipes his teary eyes that causes from his laughing just now. 'Such a teaser', I huff.

"Taehyun is coming!!", I heard Huening shouts from the second floor where Soobin's and Yeonjun's shared room is at. I can feel my feet trembling a little. 'Why am I so nervous?' . "Calm down Beomgyu its just a date not a wedding ceremony", he teases me again. "Hyung!", he laughs and pats my shoulder. 

I see Taehyun wearing a tshirt and a ripped jeans. The white tshirt is tug in his light blue ripped jeans and he wears a white shirt inside without buttoning the tshirt (a/n: hope you guys get the image in my head HAHAHA) he also pairs it with a white shoes. My mouth is open a gap. He walks slowly towards me and looks up. Our eyes meet and I quickly claim his lips. He broke the kiss and look at me with a red face. "Beautiful", I whisper.

"Now that he is done. Get your horny ass out of here! And both of you too. Get. Out", Huening says while pointing towards the door. Yeonbin was the first to left the house and then me and Taehyun. We get in the car and I start to drive. "Where are we going gyu?", he ask me sweetly. I just smile at it. "Somewhere baby", I answer and holds his right hand. Tonight is going to be perfect.

Well, that's what he thought....


I have published my Yeonbin ff feel free to read it to besties <3

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