Chapter 6

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"Hurry up, Pet!" 

What do you think I am doing?' I scream at him in my mind as I pick up the pace with the heavy artillery car Batman is driving behind us. 

The pain on my back, the wind whistling along my skeleton are causing me to whimper a few times. I won't be able to make it. I stumble slightly as another grenade lands in front of me and with a heavy head, I look up and see a helicopter following us.

"Hurry, pet!"

"Shut up!" I growl with his shirt in my mouth. If I wasn't desperate, I would have dropped his ass and escaped myself leaving him to return to Arkham.

I did a sharp left into an alleyway. A dead end. Damn it!

"Come one, Pet. you can do it!" I growl, my eyes shine with red, and with a strong push, I climb up the wall and make it to the roof.

I stop for a moment to rest as carrying this big ass weight is tiring. My vision begins to blur and go out of focus which means I have little time before I fall unconscious. I look around and see if there is a way to disappear. 

Whoosh. Click. I turn to see batman grappling hook. Can he not?!

I readjust my grip on the Joker and begin to run off again heading to another building and hopefully, it will have some hideaway we can be till the bats can leave us alone. I grunt as I jump over between buildings and make it to the other side.

"Ah." I threw Joker the rest of the way since I wasn't able to make it all the way. My legs crawl and scratch at the wall for a grip as my front paws dig their claws in the cement. Please, grip onto something's legs!

I am able to get back onto the roof but a whizzing sound meets my ears and I know batman is behind me. I donkey kick his abs and he falls off the building. I don't look back as I drag the joker into the building.

We make it to a certain floor with boxes and know we can hide. I see a big box that the joker can hide in. I immediately make it over to the boxes and dump joker in there.

"Stay here, don't make a sound. Wait till I bring you out." I close the box, covering him with other boxes before I head to another box and stand in front of it showing Joker can be in there.

Luckily the big box I am standing in front of has a long rectangle over my head so i can be in the shadows. My vision begins to sway and I need to shake my head a bit to get rid of the dizziness. I haven't got all night with this big wound.

"In here." Batman and Robin enter the room and look around. I hope master stays quiet because I have very little energy left to fight a big old bat and his assistant.

"Come out, you two. the police have surrounded the place and you cannot escape." Batman coaks us to come out but I stay where I am. I hear a drip and drop of water. I look around trying to find a faucet or a pipe. Huh, nothing but boxes. 

Drip, drip, drip.

My eyes widen as I look down and see a black puddle of water. no, not water, Blood. My blood. Crap, if this puddle grows some more then the Bats will surely find me. I have to think of something.

I once again shake my head to get rid of the dizziness but it doesn't do anything. I am going to crash and soon they will find me and Joker. Oh, please don't find us. I lower myself slowly to not fall down and make a sound.

Batman and Robin continue on looking around but it is only silence that greets them. Joker, master, please remain patient. Batman and Joker relax their shoulders as nothing happens for another minute.

"Maybe they slipped out a door or something?" robin tells Batman.

"We will find them. Come on, let us go." Batman and Robin zoom back up to the ceiling and I hear faintly the police sirens leaving us. 

A few more minutes of silence and I shakily wobble on my feet. I slowly make it to the box where the Joker is in. I nudge the box and with a heavy breath, I speak.

"M-Master, y-yo-you can come out. B-B-Bats is...go-ne-e." I stutter as I slowly see the darkness creeping into my vision.

I faintly see Joker rise out of the box and cheer as I lose the ability to hear anything. I lay on my stomach and blink three times before I close my eyes. Joker's touch lays on my fur as I allow the darkness to drag me to dreamland.

*What do you think the Joker will do? Will he heal her or leave her to die from blood loss?

Comment and enjoy.=)*

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