Chapter 5

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I pant in the rain after screaming out my lungs. That boy, in just a few days, managed to unravel all the joker has done to me. He brought that weak mortal out of this dangerous beast and there is only one person who can cage that mortal back.

'I need to get my master back' Pulling myself back on my four paws, I run through the streets. The wet black asphalt doesn't stop me from getting to my destination. Arkham asylum. The place for lunatics, maniacs, and my master that I shall free.

I stop near the brick wall away from the view of the camera. This place is as heavily guarded as it looks but there were always places where the people inside can break free out. The city should update its building when there is a breakout but nope, the idiots leave the cracks loose and only add more mortals to guard the place.

'like that will stop me.' I think as I look through the gate and see two guards only near the massive doors. The front may look pathetic but inside is where the tanks are. I leave my position to sneak along the wall around to the side or back that can have some weaker defenses they won't expect.

Bricks, bricks, hole, bricks- wait, a hole. I back up a few steps to see a god hole on the ground. Hm, where there is a hole means there is another on the other side but can't take too many light steps into what could be a trap.

I look along the building edges and used my night vision to see there is no mortal out on duty. Only one camera to look from one side to another. Hm, seems this can be quite easy as I thought it would be.

I dig through the hole and make it through on the other side. I wait till the camera has its back to me and then I run over the field. I hide in the shadows quickly before the technology sees me. It doesn't see me and resumes its position in circling about.

I slip through a door that opened, the chef I presume is dumping trash and that is where I slip through. I keep jogging through the white facility keeping an ear out for anyone coming to my area.

"Can't believe Batman thinks a dog is going to enter this facility." I duck behind a wall seeing two guards pass by.

"Yeah, be on your guard, the dog is dangerous and smart. Ha, that batman doesn't have anything better to do." Seems there are few who don't follow that old bat orders so well. 

As they are at the end of the hall I slip past and make it to where the security guards and cameras are. My eyes move from one screen to another, finding...yes, Joker cell is on the second level in cage 12. I see a map of the facility on the far wall and see the stairs leading to the second level is around the left corner down the hall.

I run off in that direction. The faster I get the laughing maniac out, the faster he can resume in getting this mortal in her cage. I halt at the door which has the bar to press and unlock the door. How loose are the cracks in this facility? They are making this easier than digging through flesh.

I raise myself on my hind legs and look through the window and see a camera pointing to the door. Damn, should have known but with my training, I can fight all these mortal guards with laughing maniac on my back can slow me down a little.

'Okay, on the count of three. One...two...three!' I launch through the door knocking a guard down and slip through the halls running faster than I have getting here. 

I push through the door leading to the cells and hear the guard on the other side coming. I grin and launch myself through, biting a gun and bending it to shoot at the ground. I push past the guard quickly.

"Get the mutt," I growl hearing them refer me to a mutt. I bite the guard's neck quickly, getting two simple scars with their daggers but I don't waste time whimpering from the pain.

"Hey, pet, is that you?" A familiar male voice said with a hoarse throat.  I jump over the guard I knockdown and skid to the side in front of the cell of my master.

"Let's get you out of here." I duck as a guard shoots at me. He stupidly shot the lock and allowed the cell to open on its own.

"Thanks, chap." Joker walks out but since we are on a tight schedule, I jump grabbing onto his orange prison shirt.

I pull him down. Joker begins to fall forward but I slide my back under him. He lands with an off on me and grips my fur as I grow in size to accommodate his tall frame. His hands grip tight as I run off heading to the exit.

"Thanks, chaps for the stay but my pet obviously wants me home. Ta, hahaha." Joker sinister laugh rings in my ears as I run through the way I got in.

Before I would have hated that sound, but since I am desperate in putting the mortal back in her cage I welcome the laughter like a long-lost friend. I duck my head and slam it on the door that leads to outside. 

Bullets begin to shoot at us but my speed increases to dodge their pathetic aim. My eyes widen as a grenade lands in front of me. I skid trying to gain ground to dodge but the grenade explodes launching both of us in the air and over to the gate.

Ringing meets my ears. I growl opening my eyes and seeing Joker lying on the ground a bit far away from me. I turn to my left and see a hoard of guards running toward us. No time to rest. I shakily get to my feet and launch over to the Joker as they throw another grenade.

"Argh." I roar as the explosion burnt my back revealing the steel skeleton underneath, curtesy of the joker experiement.

"Pet!" Joker cries under me.

"No time, get on," I growl at him pushing back the tears of pain. The guards are getting closer. Joker hurriedly gets on my back, his weight on the fresh wound makes me cringe in pain but I push past that and run over to the gate.

"Hold on." I skid to a stop once more, grab the joker shirt in my teeth and throw him over the gate. He cries as he is thrown and grunts at the impact with the ground. 

"Argh." I roar once more as bullets rain on my open back.

With a strong leap of pain and agony, I go over the gate. Without another word, I grab Joker by the back of his shirt, picking him up like a puppy and runoff. He pants and makes choking sounds as he is shaken with my heavy pace to get the hell out of there.

I make it into the city but the alarm of the police causes me to run faster and find somewhere to hide for the police to lose us. A heavy and strong motor reaches my ear. 

"Ah, Batman!" Joker calls looking behind me.


Ex-Assassin ProdigyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum