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"Jax, can we just talk?" I asked the other auto mechanic as we looked to find a secret compartment in the ship. He had been giving me the cold shoulder ever since my almost kiss with Nate.

"Why don't you just go talk to Nate?" He harshly muttered. The rest of our searching was silent.


"Compartment 36 should be right about here." Stein said facing a wall not so far away from the cargo bay. He started tapping his hand against the wall.

"What are you doing, Grey?" Jax asked him.

"I'm looking for any hidden doors." He explained.

"We don't have time for this." I complained. "Let's just fix the ship and go." He tapped against the wall again and there was an echo. It was hollow.

"Sh, did you hear that?" He asked us.

"Move." Jax moved him out of the way and removed the fake wall. Inside was a combination code lock. The three of us stared at it in awe.

"Oh my god."

"Secret hatch." I muttered.

"With a sequencing lock." Martin added. "Clearly, Captain Hunter didn't want anyone getting in."

"Or maybe he was trying to keep something from getting out." Jax corrected. "If I've learned one thing from 'Lost', it's that you don't go opening secret hatches."


"Jax!" I called after him. "Jax, please just talk to me!" I pleaded.

"About what?" He turned around. I could see by the look on his face that he was fuming with anger. "That you're screwing Nate?"

"I'm not sleeping with Nate! He's just a friend." I reassured him.

"Yeah right. We all saw you two about to kiss."

"But we didn't." I justified it. "And even if we did, what's wrong with that?"

"Because!" He snapped. "Because when I left on the waverider the first time, I missed you. You were all I could think about. When we were time scatters, all I could think about was you. When you fell out of the cargo bay, all I could wonder was if you were okay. When I saw you that close to Nate, it broke my goddamn heart. Because I love you. I love you so much and you're just so blind that you can't see it." He breathed heavily. I was just in awe. Standing there. Everything I had been denying was true. He actually loved me. "You know what," He said at my silence. "Just forget about it."

"Jax!" I called after him. But, my feet didn't want to move. They stayed glued there.


Yes, this chapter is short, but this was the best cliffhanger I could use, so...either way hope you enjoy!

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