its true, i'm a sucker for you

Start from the beginning

Conner: :skull face: 

Bree: speaking of writing (good segway btw) 
            hru with Brit?

Conner: brit? 

Bree: Britney-

Conner: oh uh 
                  fine ig 
                  I just did my thing to the story 
                  and btw Bianca was right 
                  once we started writing the story
                  she kept asking questions abt Percy 
                  lets jst say I was phusiccally and mentally drained aft that

Bree: oh- 
            well just ignore her 
            If I were you, you shouldn't have accepted this writing thing w her

Conner: welp, idk really 
                 ig being with Britney is better than not joining the contest at all 
                 btw, hbu? 
                 are you doing fine w ur short story entry?

Bree: yea 
            Alex and Bianca are a big help ngl 
            I would have to do it last min if it weren't for them 

Conner: those two are always studious 

Bree: true tho            nice talking to u btw            I have to checkout now             ttyl :D 

Conner: ok 
                 ttyl bree :D 


Conner looked up from his phone. He just realized that Percy's face was only an inch from his own. 

"Bree?" he asked. "Asking where she is because you can't stand another minute without her?"

"What? No!" Conner said who was kind of disgruntled. Ever since he met Bree, Percy wouldn't stop teasing him about her. As if..

"Hey, guys!" Katie said. "Is Matt here yet?" 

"Nah," Percy said walking towards her. "Also, why are you here again?" 

"I'm a part of the drama club idio-" Katie started, but saw that Matt had just arrived. 

"Hello baboons," Matt said to the group. "I am last?" 

"Hey Matt," Alex said. "We're just waiting for Bianca and Bree." 

While Percy, Matt, Alex, and Katie are having a conversation, Conner borrowed Percy's phone and played a song on Percy's speaker. 

we go together. better than birds of a feather you and me... 

Conner was nodding his head to the beat. Percy and Matt heard the song and got all hyped up. Percy grabbed a soda can and began using it as a microphone. 

"I've been dancing on top of cars and stumbling out of bars- I follow you through the dark, can't get enough," Percy sang. 

" You're the medicine and the pain, the tattoo inside my brain..." Matt continued. 

For some strange moment, Conner thought it was his moment to shine. The chorus of the song. Yes. 

And, baby, you know it's obvious..

"Im a sucker for you!" Conner bellowed despite getting weird looks from people. "Say the word and I'll go anywhere blindly! I'm a sucker for you, yeah! Any road you take, you know that you'll find me!" 

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