Chapter 19: How to Stop a train the USMC way!

Start from the beginning

Neo's aura was completely depleted after that, and she only had enough energy to look up at the two that had bested her. She now had blood coming down from her head and her vision was a little bit blurry. Alex then knocked her out with a hit to the head from the stock of his Thompson and she fell to the ground unconscious. The two victors then looked at each other for a moment.

"Well, that was annoying." Alex groaned as he reloaded his Thompson. "She was a bit of a handful." 

"I agree." Yang added. "She was a bit annoying to fight."

"I guess some people can't learn to take a punch, am I right?" Alex Joked. 

"Huh, good one." Yang said.

"Well, I try." Alex said. 

"Don't we all?" Yang joked. 

"True, true." Alex replied. "I wonder how the others are doing."

"Hopefully better luck than what we had." Yang said as she and Alex then set about tying up the young girl so she couldn't go anywhere.

With Wiess and Ryan...

"Geez!" Ryan shouted as he dodged an chainsaw swipe from the big Faunus. "A little bit reckless, are we?"

"Silence human trash!" The lieutenant shouted. "You just got lucky!"

"Luck has nothing to do with being skillful." Weiss said as she knocked his chainsaw attack away with her Rapier. 

"You will die where you stand Schnee!" The lieutenant shouted again as he then started swinging his chainsaw at a faster pace than before. 

Weiss then did a number of backflips in order to dodge the attacks while Ryan ducked down and rolled on the floor to avoid the big chainsaw. The Vietnam Veteran then pulled out his M16A1 and aimed for the big Faunus legs. His aim was true as the bullets struct the big man's legs and had cribbed him badly. But as he turned around to deal with the marine that injured him a number of glyphs then appeared around him as Weiss then charged at the Lieutenant. She then used the glyphs she had summoned to speed around the big Faunus landing a number of hit on him.

After that Weiss then slid back to the other side of the cart where they had entered from seeing the lieutenant was almost down as she then sped at him to finish the fight. In a last ditch effort to try and kill the young Schnee the big Faunus then grabbed Weiss by her face and then slammed her to the ground knocking the wind out of her. He then raised his Chainsaw up to bring down on the young girl to kill her. 


However, a bullet hit then hit the lieutenant in his right hand causing him to drop his weapon to the ground. He then looked to where the shot had come from only to see Ryan running up and jumping off one of the crates in the cart and then punching the big Faunus in the face with a aura infused punch. 

(Like this...)

The punch sent the white fang lieutenant rolling back a few feet before collapsing to the ground beaten. The Vietnam vet then turned his attention to the downed Schnee on the floor of the cart.

"Need a hand?" Ryan asked he offered his right hand to help her up. Weiss accepted his hand as he pulled her off the ground. 

"Thanks." Weiss said.

"You, okay?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah, I still have some aura left." Weiss answered. 

"Okay, good." Ryan said.  

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