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After they arrived home, Victoria started in again. "He really seems to have changed! You have to let him stay!"

"I'll talk to him when I see him, as I said I would."

"But -"

"Don't argue with me Victoria."

She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest and looking like a child about to throw a tantrum. Damon had to fight not to laugh at the way she looked, "and don't make that face. It'll get stuck like that."

"It will not! You made that up!"

"You sure about that?"

She stamped her foot down, but the look she'd been giving him softened - just in case. "He's coming in an hour."


"I invited him over."

"Have you invited him inside?!"

"No," she rolled her eyes a little. "But I told him to come by to talk to you."

Damon pinched the bridge if his nose and took a deep breath, "Victoria -"


"You're being a brat, you do know that. Right?"

"And you're being stubborn as usual."

"I'm the adult."

"That doesn't mean you know everything."

"I swear -"

"Can you ever admit you're wrong?"

"Not when I'm right."

"You don't know you're right yet."

"And neither do you."

Victoria's eyebrows furrowed together at that, "well -" she made a high pitched whine as she failed to find a comeback. Meaning Damon won the argument.

"Go and get your books so we can start lessons, while we wait for our visitor."

"Our brother."

"Don't start up again, I mean it."

Victoria's cast covered arm rubbed at her adjacent wrist, just above the binding bracelet. Damon knew it was her fighting at the compulsion from years ago to keep it on. It happened every once and awhile when she wanted very badly to rip it off and siphon from him when she was angry and trying to throw a tantrum. She could never break free though, only scratching or rubbing for a few moments before her hand fell back down and she did as she was told.

Later, when Victoria was busy at her desk on a writing assignment - Stefan knocked on the front door. She jumped from her seat to invite him in, "Stefan! You came!"

"Of course, promised I would."

"Damon's inside, come -" but Damon was behind her before she could finished the sentence.

He placed a hand on her shoulder - which made her jump in surprise at his sudden appearance, "go back to your work."

"But -

"I'll talk to him outside, I'll let you know if you can invite him in. Go back to your assignment now."

"Can't I come outside too then?"

"No. Back to your desk."

"Yes." Her shoulders fell and she disappeared down the hall, back to the study room and to her work.

"She's still as firey as ever," Stefan said fondly as Damon stepped outside and closed the door.

"Yes, but not usually so childish about it all."

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