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It had been over two years since Victoria's first fight at school. The spring of 1862 came quickly and with it went Victoria's 8th birthday . Stefan would be turning fifteen in the fall, and he'd gotten a much more rebellious spirit as of late - a lovely side effect of puberty. Victoria was still her sweet and bubbly self, which was refreshing for Damon - who was seemingly punishing his little brother daily now.

And punishing his little brother was exactly what Damon was having to do, again. "Stefan James Salvatore come here now!"

Stefan slunk into the sitting room with his hands in his pockets, trying his hardest not to make eye contact with his brother. "Yeah?"

"You want to try that again?"

Stefan huffed, which wasn't helping his case, "yes sir?" His voice still had an attitude in it.

"You better loose that attitude Stefan. Now. What is this?" He held up ANOTHER letter from school.

"It's a note from school. What's it look like?"

"That's it!" Damon was tired of his brother's mouth and disrespectful tone. He stood up from the chair he had been sitting in and grabbed his brother by the ear. "This is going to stop Stefan! I'm tired of your disrespect and these notes from school! Especially ones about fighting!"

"Ow! Let go!" Stefan all but ordered as he was dragged from the sitting room and towards the door that would lead them outside.

"Last I checked, YOU don't get to make demands."

"Last time I checked, YOU'RE not father! OW OW!" Damon had suddenly stopped their march towards the barn and started to land hard smacks to the boy's bottom. That sentence was something Damon HATED to hear from Stefan. Of course he wasn't his father, but he was much better at acting like one than Giuseppe.

"No. But I'm the one in charge of you. Would you rather get beaten until you can't walk? Would you like that better?! Maybe take a lit cigar to your arms?"

Stefan tried to jerk away from Damon, who was landing smacks fast and hard. Damon did have a point, if Giuseppe took over watching the children again his ways of 'disciplining' them would be nothing short of cruel abuse. "Stop!" He said, but this time it didn't come out like a demand.

"Good! It looks like you've lost a bit of that attitude." Damon ceased the smacks and started their way to the barn once more. "This is the third time in two weeks you've gotten into fights at school. It seems like you're not taking me seriously, so we're gonna have a visit from the strap."

Stefan hadn't been strapped in ages, the last time was last year when he talked Victoria into sneaking into their father's study to steal some whiskey for him to try. He'd gotten in BIG trouble with Damon for that - not only did he try drinking underage but he got his little sister to do something bad as well.

"Wait!" Now Stefan was getting back to his old self. "I'll quit getting into fights!"

"You better, because next time this'll be a lot worse." They reached the barn, and he didn't even care to ask Hector to leave as he pulled Stefan over a low stable door. Since he wasn't dismissed, Hector just continued to quietly clean the floors as he'd been doing. "Fifteen. And if you kick or try to get up that's extra." He grabbed the strap from the wall and landed a hard WHACK! to the teen's bottom.

Stefan yelped loudly at the first three smacks, they came quickly and sharply before Damon fell into a rhythm. The younger boy had grown a lot recently, and now when he was bent over the stable his feet stayed on the floor instead of hanging in the air as they'd done in the past. He drummed his feet against the stable door, the extent of leg movement he was allowed.

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