1 - The First Day

Start from the beginning

And yes, it was. The same frame and those electric orbs... Why was he following me everywhere?! What kind of coincidence is this?!

I grit my teeth and held my guard, in case any insults would be thrown my way. He seemingly held himself in high regard, not caring about anyone else.

"Bumping into me earlier was pretty pathetic..." He hummed with a raucous laugh, his orbs constantly glaring in my direction. "Don't you think?"

Tightening the grip on my pen, I silently let out some rage in doing so. How could he casually hurt me like that?! He barely even knew me, yet here Jaxon was! Strutting around like he owned the damn place! "It was pathetic of you to even push me over." I quipped, smirking a tad and looking down at his page of notes. They were all quite legible actually, not extremely neat, but nicely written. As I examined the page, I smirked even more, desperate to point all the spelling mistakes he made. Just to get back at Jaxon for pushing me over earlier. Good banter is good fun... I mused. "Your spelling is atrocious." Without thinking, I planted his notebook on my desk and grabbed a red pen of mine, underlining everywhere I could spot an error. I passed the book back to him, watching his scrawny orbs widen. "God, it's atrocious." Leaning back in my chair, I took my attention back to the teacher, mind humming with jubilation.

So for now, this was our friendship. If it was even called a friendship. He pushed me, I got back at him, so he makes further snarky remarks, and we keep pushing each other's buttons, constantly gaining an extra edge of satisfaction.

But still, I've always longed for something more...


The day continued after that class, and we split our separate ways. It was lunch now, and the sky was a beautiful crystal blue, sun glimmering on the earth and fluffy clouds tumbling about. So right now, everything seemed alright, even with everything going on with Jaxon. We'd only just met, so how did both decide to engage in banter that fast?! I sauntered through the hallways some more, then making my way out to the courtyard of Monstrori High. I saw far too many people, chatting and having fun in their own ways... As my maroon grey orbs scanned every last corner of the space, they focused on one particular pair. Two girls, one in a fire red dress, the other looked like she was dressed for Antarctica.

Hesitantly drawing closer, I noticed they were holding hands. And yes, they looked so madly in love with one another.

"Yen, Melissa!" I smiled as I approached them. Melissa turned first, seeming a little annoyed with my appearance. Her lips were a beautiful crimson red, with small brown orbs and a personality that was bold and stunning. She squeezed Yen's hand, and she then faced me too.

"Oh, Leo! Hi!" She smiled a little, using her other hand to pull some of her luscious and incredibly long blonde hair back. Her orbs were the most miraculous shade of electric blue baby blue midnight blue... They'd both been my friends for a while now, and with my help, they both noticed their attraction for one another. It was a match made in heaven, and I couldn't help but envy them.

"So," Melissa pursed her lips, "What's going on with you?"


I let out a sigh, watching their faces light up with anticipation and excitement. At that moment, I knew I'd have to tell them.

"I've been bumping into this guy all day... He's tall and strange and- I don't know!" I burst, crossing my arms in frustration.

"Oooooo! Well, what's his name?"

I hesitate, before opening my mouth to tell the pair.


Melissa and Yen instantly exchanged a glance, smiling and smirking between one another.

"What do you know about him?"

Yen squeezed Melissa's hand tighter as Melissa let the words flow off her tongue. "Leo! He's a bad boy..."

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