"Notice: Arrival of the Intruders!"

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In this fanfiction Ichigo will have a role but less of a role... If that makes sense.

Ichigo won't be a key asset as Akira will be because I'm trying to make this seem like what would happen through her shoes.

I switch between Soul Reaper and Shinigami based on the text. Same thing though.


The sun was starting to set.

I was doing my work normally until I got word that Byakuya and an injured Renji were back in the Seireitei.

I immediately went to the Squad 4 barracks to check on Renji. As I got in I saw Isane the Lieutenant of Squad 4. "Hello Lieutenant Kotetsu" I bowed.

"Ah, Good Afternoon Nozomi. What brings you to our squad."

"I heard Renji got injured and came to check on him." I said half chuckling.

"Oh Lieutenant Renji, I heard he got beat up pretty bad by that Ryuka, no need to worry though he's doing just fine... in fact, a bit to well."

As Akira was talking to Isane Renji was furious that that "weak human" managed to defeat him. Akira and Isane could hear him from the next room. They both sweatdropped "It seems he's still alive and kicking hehe" I slowly opened the slideable shoji screens and laid my eyes on Renji who was still angry at his defeat. "This isn't fair if only my limiter was removed I could've easily beat that human into a pulp, and now I won't even get another chance because Captain revoked his powers!"

I sigh which seemed to be a bit loud since Renji turned around and noticed me standing at the door.

"Oh hey Akira what brings you here?" he says calmly acting like whatever he did just now never happened.

"I came here to check up on you since it seemed like you were badly injured but you seem fine to me, so if you don't mind I will take my leave." I turn around to open the doors only to notice a hell butterfly flying to Renji. In response, Renji lifted his hand for the butterfly to land and relayed the message. "Intruders have entered the Seireitei, they seemed to have broken the barrier and have entered the Soul Society, they intruders number at five being 3 seemingly looking humans, and soul reaper, and a black cat." Renji said relaying the message to all the people in the room including me and Isane.

"Intruders? For what?" I said practically yelling.

"Probably it has something to do with the Kuchiki girl in squad 13"

Everyone jumped at the sudden new voice and turned around to see Retsu Unohana the Captain of Squad 4.

"Captain Unohana what do you mean?" Isane said

"Well, I can only assume that that's the reason while their would-be intruders in our domain," Unohana said solemnly.

"So you're saying they're here to rescue Rukia the one who broke the rules of the Soul Society"

The calm and elegant captain nodded in agreement

"Ok, but is this girl really that importan-" Isane said cut off short

"WHO CARES! ALL THAT MATTERS IS I GET TO FIGHT HIM AGAIN AND WITH MY FULL STRENGTH" After the loud outburst Renji got up and ran out of the Squad 4 Barracks at the speed of light.

"Renji wait, don't go off on your own, wait for your orders by Captain Kuchiki!"

Akira exclaimed but was not acknowledged by Renji as he was already too far.

Akira sighs while bowing to Captain Unohana and Lieutenant Kotetsu then takes her leave.

She flash steps to the Squad 6 Barracks and finds the Captain doing paperwork.
"Captain, what do you attend to do with the new notice."

Byakuya looks up from his work. "You and Abarai followed by other members of squad 6 will go out and find them also, we don't know how powerful they are so don't face them alone or you will have to face the consequences.

"Yes, Captain Kuchiki!" I then flash step out with other members of squad 6.

"I hope Renji will be ok and not do anything stupid."

While I and the other members were on our way to search for the intruders another squad's Shinigami came crashing down in front of us. It was a big fat guy I didn't know his name.

"Hey, what happened to you?"

" A... Quincy... I Couldn't... Defeat him..."

It was hard to hear him but I got the gist of it. "It seems this Quincy must've removed his shinigami power, his reishi is steadily decreasing."

I'm afraid he may never get to be a soul reaper again, as I was thinking, the guy passed out. I ordered some of the other soul reapers to take him to Squad 4.

"Ok! Let's get a move on we have people to catch"

The other Shinigami and I continued our search but we got nowhere.

We got information that the previous Quincy was battling the Captain of Squad 12, Captain Kurotsuchi. We decided it would be best if we didn't interfere and continued our search.

I could tell many fights are taking place but none of it was around us, it was very anti-climatic on our side, but it seems I spoke too soon.

"3rd Seat Nozomi!"

"Yea I feel it too, it's Renji's spiritual pressure. You guys keep searching I'll go check and see why Renji suddenly increased his Reiatsu."

'Yes, 3rd Seat Nozomi!" They said in Unison while I flash stepped to the scene.

It would seem I was a tad too late because I could no longer feel his opponent's spiritual pressure and Renji's died down. When I arrived Renji was already laying on the ground.

" HEY RENJI! YOU ALIVE!" Renji responded with a groan. "Yep, he's alive"

I picked him and helped him get on his feet

"It seems you got beat by that "human" again." I teasingly said

"How do you know that! Who told you!?"

"I didn't know but now I do."

"Whatever, just take me back to Squad 4" he scoffed

"Wow going to Squad 4 two times in one day? Poor you."


"I can't I-" and almost on ceremony a squad 4 member came by and took Renji off my soldiers.

"No need to worry 3rd Seat Nozomi, I'll take lieutenant Abarai to Squad 4 immediately."

"Got it, thank you!"

I follow the spiritual pressure I felt before then suddenly got a message from C46

"From this moment on Shikai is now allowed to be used within the Seireitei"

"What! Are they serious?"

Then suddenly I felt a spike in Spiritual Pressure at the four-deep jail

"Isn't that where Rukia is?"

I fastened my steps and started heading there immediately.


OMG, I'm done, I hope this is long enough Ima try to make every chapter 1000 words or longer if it's not long enough please tell me.

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