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Gotham City. The most dangerous city in the world. Crime was worse than ever. The cops did what they could to stop it but no matter what it never seemed as if it were enough. One criminal got put behind bars, five more were forged.

Four people worked hard to try to make the city a better place. Devoting their lives to make it a better city. A kinder, brighter city. One when people came to visit for some business trip or driving through to their next destination, they wouldn't have to be terrified.

Every rich powerful people could easily have been bought out it seemed. They were all talk and no action. Constantly complaining about the justice system within but never thought to donated an ounce of money to help them get better equipment or even bother to read a law book.

That is why these four people worked so hard. Jim Gordon worked on the police force, arresting every criminal that came his way. Next was Rachel Dawes a district attorney making sure those bad guys went behind bars.

The next were different. Neither worked for the law. One was seen as a broken rich kid. Losing his parents at the young age of eight. Who left Gotham seven years ago and was declared dead. A man who wanted to make sure no one suffered the way he did, and who wanted to continued his parents legacy of saving the city. The last one made even less since to people. She was an ordinary woman who from what people could see had no tragedy. She wasn't born or raised in Gotham. She chose to live there. Yet she helped out when she could. Whether it was donating what she could or being a consultant on a case for the Gotham Police Department.

Who knew a rich man like Bruce Wayne would fall for a small business owner like Hallie Newman.

Unexpected || Bruce Wayne Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon